Lymph Nodes Thoracic

The thoracic lymph nodes, also known as lymphoglandules pectorales or lymphonodes pectorales, are part of the human lymphatic system. They are located in the chest area and play an important role in protecting the body from infections and pathological processes.

The functions of the thoracic lymph nodes are to filter lymph and also to activate the immune system. The lymphatic system plays a key role in maintaining the balance of fluids in the body as well as fighting infections. The thoracic lymph nodes are important sites of immune activity, where lymphocytes and other immune cells trap and destroy bacteria, viruses, tumor cells and other pathogens that may enter the body through the lymph.

Anatomically, the thoracic lymph nodes are located in various areas of the chest. They are located along the intercostal muscles, the subclavian fossa, and also in the axillary areas. Each node has a shape and dimensions corresponding to its location and function. The thoracic lymph nodes are connected to each other and to other nodes in the body via lymphatic vessels, forming a complex network.

When infections or tumors develop in nearby tissues, the chest lymph nodes may become inflamed or enlarged. This indicates an active response of the immune system to the presence of pathogens or changes in the body. Doctors can palpate and examine the lymph nodes in the chest to identify abnormalities and assess the patient's health.

Various methods may be used to diagnose and treat diseases associated with the thoracic lymph nodes, including ultrasound, computed tomography, biopsy, and others. The exact approach depends on the individual case and requires the professional judgment of a medical professional.

In conclusion, the thoracic lymph nodes play an important role in the functioning of the immune system and protecting the body from infections. Their location and structure ensure effective filtration of lymph and activation of immune cells. If changes occur in the thoracic lymph nodes, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and treat possible diseases.

Lymph nodes are a lymphoid collection that is responsible for filtering lymph. Lymphoid tissue protects the body from invading viruses and bacteria. There are 25-30 such lymphs in the chest, connected to the chest wall by interaponeurotic fibers. Thoracic lymph nodes in