Kravza-Tarnovsky Shin

The Kravza-Tarnovsky splint is a special tool that is used to fix and support damaged or injured limbs. This instrument was developed by Russian surgeon Pavel Ivanovich Kravza-Taranovsky in the 1920s.

The Kravza-Tarnovskaya splint is a flexible plastic band that can be easily adapted to the shape and size of the injured limb. It has a number of advantages over other fixation methods, such as plaster casts or wooden splints.

One of the main advantages of the Kravza-Tarnov tire is its flexibility and ease of use. Due to its design, it can be applied to any part of the body, including arms, legs, back and neck. In addition, it provides reliable fixation and support for the injured limb, which promotes rapid healing and restoration of function.

Another advantage of Kravza-Tarnov tires is their light weight and ease of transportation. They can be easily packaged in compact cases and transported to anywhere in the world where treatment and rehabilitation are required.

In general, the Kravza-Tarnov splint is an effective tool for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with injuries and injuries. It provides reliable fixation and support for the injured limb, speeds up the healing process and restoration of function.

Kravza-Taranovskiy tire

The Kravza-Tarannovskaya splint is one of the most effective means of treating spinal injuries, fractures and other spinal diseases. The creator of this splint is Pavel Ivanovich Kravza-Taranovsky, a famous domestic surgeon. Today, the Kravza-Taranovskaya splint is one of the most reliable and high-quality means in medicine for the treatment of spinal diseases. Kravza-Taranovskaya tire. Description **Kravza Taranovskaya splint** is a method of applying a splint brace to the spinal area to relieve pain and unload the spine in case of traumatic injuries (fractures, ruptures of ligaments, cartilage, damage to muscles and tendons) and other pathologies of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Thanks to this method, certain elements are compared to each other after a traumatic fracture, which makes it possible to restore the optimal parameters of the musculoskeletal system.