Lymphatic Duct Right

The lymphatic system is one of the most important systems of the body, which ensures the removal of excess fluid and nutrients from tissues, as well as protecting the body from infections and toxins. Lymphatic ducts play a key role in the functioning of the lymphoid system and ensure the transport of lymph from tissues to the blood. One of these ducts is the lymphatic duct right, which begins in the right iliac fossa and ends at the porta hepatis.

The right lymphatic duct is one of the main channels in the human lymphatic system. It begins its journey from peripheral tissues and organs, where lymphatic fluid is filtered. Then, through a network of lymphatic vessels, the lymphatic fluid is transported into the lymphatic trunks, which begin at the junction of the bones of the upper and lower parts of the body, and then connect to the lymphatic trunk with its main lymphatic ducts. The main task of the lymphatic system is to collect waste and fluids from tissues and redistribute it throughout the body.

One of the key