Lymph lavage

Lympholavage: features of the procedure and its application

Lympholavage is a medical procedure that involves washing the lymphatic vessels and nodes with a special solution. The word "lympholavage" comes from the French "lympholavage", which means "washing the lymph". This procedure can be performed either alone or in combination with other treatment methods.

The lymphavage procedure is carried out using a special device called a lymphatic drainage device. It provides a gentle tissue massage, which helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow. During the procedure, a special solution is introduced into the body, which helps cleanse the lymph and speed up the process of removing waste and toxins from the body.

Lympholavage can be recommended by a doctor in the treatment of various diseases associated with impaired lymphatic circulation. In particular, lympholavage can be effective for lymphostasis (swelling) of the extremities, lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), lymphoma (malignant neoplasm of the lymph nodes), as well as other diseases associated with impaired lymph flow.

However, we should not forget that lympholavage is a procedure that can have both positive and negative effects on the body. Therefore, before performing lymphoavage, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out all possible contraindications. In particular, lymphoavage may be contraindicated in cases of cancer, hypertension, heart failure and other serious diseases.

In general, lymphovolage is an effective procedure in the treatment of diseases associated with impaired lymph flow. However, before carrying out it, you must consult your doctor and find out all the possible risks and contraindications. Only in this case can lympholavage be a safe and effective procedure for your health.

Lymphala 1be is a Russian term that denotes a method of cleansing the human body. Lymphatic fluid is a melting fluid that is filtered through the organs of the body and acts to cleanse it. Under pressure, it goes up the stomach and along the way through the chest and head, into the neck, it returns back to the body. According to scientists, lymphatics leads to the fact that our body is clean and well protected. If any of the filters slow down or become blocked, this leads to a build-up of toxic substances and bacteria. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore such procedures. Lymphatic fluid is a fluid in our body that is needed to maintain good quality of our health. Water, salts, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and so on - everything passes through the lymphatic system. But the fun part is how to get the most benefit?

Below we look at the most famous lymph nodes in the world:

1. Teeth. Oddly enough, teeth are connected to the lymphatic system. It is through the lymphatic channel from the teeth to our body that it reaches toxins, bacteria and poison that cause infection. If you have an infection in your mouth, purulent lesions, caries or scurvy bridges, try to cleanse the body through your teeth. 2. Animal meat is a source of more than 200 types of pathogens. These are the bacteria that make a hole in our digestive system, causing various intestinal problems, allergies, kidney and liver diseases. There are many tips for vegetarians