Bone Resorption Line

The line of bone resorption (linea resorptionis textus ossei), also known as the line of resorption, is a line that forms at the interface between healthy bone tissue and bone tissue that has undergone resorption. It can occur as a result of various diseases, such as osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, osteogenic sarcoma and others.

The resorption line is one of the most characteristic signs of osteoporosis. It appears as a thin white line, which is usually located at the border between normal bone tissue and bone subject to resorption. This line is formed as a result of the destruction of bone tissue, which leads to a decrease in its mass and a decrease in bone density.

In addition, the resorption line can be caused by other diseases such as osteomyelitis. In this case, it may be more pronounced and spread over a larger area of ​​the bone. Also, a resorption line can appear in osteogenic sarcoma, when the tumor destroys bone tissue.

Treatment for a resorption line depends on the cause of its appearance. For osteoporosis, treatment may include calcium and vitamin D supplements and physical therapy. For osteomyelitis, treatment may include antibiotics and surgical removal of the infection.

In general, the bone resorption line is an important diagnostic feature for many bone diseases. Its appearance may indicate the need for more thorough examination and treatment.

Linea resorption of bone tissue or its Latin transcription linea resorption is textus osseei is a tissue line found in the periodontium of all teeth. Histologically, it consists of osteoclasts and osteocytes. On a histological section, it has the appearance of the thinnest intermittent strip in periodontium, which is why it was previously called the “line” of bone destruction (D. K. Beck).