
Liothyronine: a thyroid stimulating drug

Liothyronine is a pharmacological drug used to stimulate thyroid function. It is widely used to treat various diseases associated with dysfunction of this gland. The drug is produced in Hungary by Gedeon Richter A.O. under the international name "Liothyronine" and the synonym "Triiodothyronine". It is available in the form of tablets containing the active ingredient liothyronine.

Liothyronine is used in the following cases:

  1. Primary hypothyroidism and myxedema: Liothyronine is effective in compensating for insufficient thyroid function, which can reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism and myxedema.
  2. Cretinism: The drug helps improve psychomotor development and growth in children with cretinism caused by thyroid hormone deficiency.
  3. Cerebropituitary diseases and obesity associated with hypothyroidism: Liothyronine can be used to improve metabolic processes in patients with diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, as well as to reduce obesity accompanying hypothyroidism.
  4. Endemic and sporadic goiter: Liothyronine helps reduce thyroid enlargement and symptoms associated with these forms of goiter.
  5. Thyroid cancer: In some cases, Liothyronine may be prescribed as an additional agent in the complex therapy of thyroid cancer.

However, there are some contraindications to the use of Liothyronine. It is not recommended for thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, Addison's disease, general exhaustion and severe forms of coronary insufficiency.

According to the literature, the side effects of Liothyronine are not yet known, and there is also no data on its interaction with other drugs or overdose.

When prescribing Liothyronine, caution must be exercised in cases of coronary cardiosclerosis and secondary hypothyroidism in the presence of adrenal insufficiency. In these cases, doses of Liothyronine should not exceed 5-10 mcg per day.

Summary data on Liothyronine can be found in the reference book "Medicines", edited by M. A. Klyuev, published in 2001.

Although Liothyronine is a widely used thyroid stimulating drug, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for more detailed information, instructions for use, and to evaluate the suitability of the drug for each patient's individual needs and health status.