Lichen planus

Lichen planus pilaris

Lichen planus, or pilaris planus, is a skin disease that causes itching and redness on the face or scalp. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including genetic factors, immune system disorders, and other diseases. Lichen planus affects the skin in the form of a round plaque with a white groove that looks like splayed fingers. The affected area may exceed 5 cm2. The rash can occur on any part of the skin, including the back, buttocks, arms and legs. Sometimes manifestations in the form of small spots are localized on the feet and palms. The disease occurs more often in people 30-40 years old. But psoriasis can also affect younger boys and girls. The rash rarely stays in one place and is always accompanied by characteristic itching, swelling and severe peeling of the skin. The pathology does not pose a particular threat, but requires professional treatment. The lack of therapy is fraught with the disease becoming chronic. There are several reasons for the pathology:

1. Dermatological diseases, in which the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted and the level of their protective layer is reduced; 2. Unfavorable living conditions; 3. Genetic predisposition. The disease has no characteristic predisposing factors. Patients do not infect each other while talking to them or shaking hands. Lishan is transmitted only by contact and infects its host, for example, while washing dishes with one’s own hands. Lichen planus develops due to a decrease in the protective properties of the skin. The organ of aesthetes that suffers first is the skin on the face and the scalp. Weakness of the epidermis and dermis appears during or after severe stress, hormonal changes and other severe diseases.

Treatment is carried out in several ways. At the initial stage, all prescribed medications (including vitamins) are used for a week, even if the manifestations of the disease have disappeared. To eliminate symptoms, use:

* Corticosteroids (the patient may give you this treatment table); * Retinoids; * Antihistamines.