Simkhovich Nasomental Reflex

Simkhovich (Simkhovich) is the author of a number of works on the problems of training professionally important qualities. One of the most famous works is the book “Didactic Foundations of Labor Optimization” (authors A.M. Ventslav, A.A. Gribov, A.V. Molotkov), which had a great influence on the development of the theory and practice of educational work in higher education and industrial and technical education.

According to B.M. Smirnova, proposed by V.G. Simonovich's methodology for conducting polytechnic classes is an example of ideological, theoretical and methodological unity of educational, scientific research, its social tasks, developed in the interests of improving the training of workers. This was an attempt to apply the results of research into the educational potential of working teenagers in solving new problems of pedagogy and production. The advantages of this work include: taking into account the characteristics of students with an average level of educational abilities; disclosure of the content of the didactic system in the historical process, combined by genetic, structural (block question) and dynamic (motivation, search and use of means, overcoming difficulties) approaches; the focus of the training methodology on solving the problem of student personality development. The method of training gives a special place to teaching aids: this can be equipment for the real process of industrial training, controlled polytechnic simulators, model diagrams, self-government controls