Litargus, that is, cold sarsam, translated as memory loss

Litargus is the name given to a mucous tumor that forms inside the skull, and this is mucous sarsam. For the most part, the tumor arises in the channels of the brain substance, and not in its membranes, ventricles or body, because mucus, due to the density of the membranes, rarely penetrates into the membranes of the brain and accumulates there and rarely penetrates into the brain substance due to the stickiness of the latter. Also, pleurisy is mostly bilious and only rarely mucous, since the mucus does not pass well into the membranous, nerve-rich and hard substance. However, these rare cases are still possible in both diseases and such a tumor can occur in the substance of the brain and in its membranes.

This disease is named after the name of its symptom, because in translation lithargus means memory loss, and such a disease is always accompanied by memory loss. Because of this name for this disease, many doctors are mistaken and cannot recognize that the essence here is a disease originating from a cold tumor; on the contrary, they believe that this disease is precisely memory loss. Although some doctors call any cold tumor in the brain, be it black-bilious or mucous, lithargus, most ancient doctors assign this name only to mucous tumors. You can call both tumors that way. The matter of this disease is close to the matter that causes dizziness, but it is more firmly established in the brain. This disease arises from everything that produces mucous juice and has the property of forming steam; therefore, it often occurs from eating onions. It also arises from frequent indigestion, from drinking too much and from excessive consumption of fruits.

Signs of lithargusg\. slight headache and low fever, for fever inevitably occurs with any tumor from putrefied sap, and this distinguishes lithargus from hibernation. However, the fever can be mild, because the material with lithargus is mucous and sometimes even not felt at all. With lithargus, deep hibernation is observed; Every time the patient opens his eyes, they immediately close. There is also loss of memory, breathing is very rare, slow, weak and always somewhat constricted and is accompanied by drooling. The patient often yawns, opens and closes his mouth; Often, after yawning and similar actions, his mouth remains open, because the patient forgets that he needs to close his mouth, or cannot do this, even if he wants to.

There are also hiccups due to the complicity of the stomach, paleness of the tongue, inability to respond and move the eyelids, and confusion. Feces are mostly wet, and if they are dry, they are moderately dry; the urine is like the urine of a donkey. Patients often experience trembling and sweaty extremities. In contrast to patients with faranitus, such patients lie low in bed, while those suffering from faranitus tend to lie higher. The pulse with lithargus is large, rare, slow, trembling, wave-like, more similar to the pulse with pleurisy, but less wide and long, slower, more rare and not so uneven, because with lithargus the heart suffers less. Their pulse most often falls in the middle, since animal strength is better preserved. The fever with lithargus is less due to the distance of the tumor from the heart, but the hibernation is stronger, since the matter is located there, in the brain itself, and with pleurisy it rises from the tumor in the lungs. If we talk about a cold tumor of black gall origin, that it is lithargus, then its signs are more severe pain, anxiety and delirium; the eyes are open and motionless.

When lithargus occurs in the substance of the brain, hibernation is deeper, the difficulty of movements is greater; The pallor of the tongue is very noticeable, the eyes bulge a little and move with difficulty, and the pain is somewhat milder. And if lithargus occurs in the membrane of the brain, then the pain is stronger and movements are easier. With it, urine retention often occurs due to the patient’s unconsciousness and weakness of the muscles that expel urine.

One of the signs that a person is going to lithargus is frequent twitching of the head, accompanied by lethargy and heaviness in the head. If the manifestations of lithargus intensify and the perspiration becomes very profuse, then it kills, because the perspiration causes a loss of strength. When Breathing becomes wider and improves and the manifestations of the disease begin to subside, it means that the patient is moving toward well-being, especially if tumors appear behind the ears, because crises in this disease are often resolved by tumors.

Treatment. If there is no obstacle, then first let the blood flow, and then use sharp enemas, draw the juices down and induce vomiting using a feather smeared with mustard or honey. Place the patient in a bright room and do not let him fall asleep, constantly forcing him to wake up. At the beginning of the disease, suppress matter with rose oil and vinegar, then, two days after the onset of the disease, add beaver stream to these medicines, and use sea onion vinegar as vinegar. Give the patient cold water only in small quantities, especially at the beginning and towards the end of the disease, and at the very end the water should be completely prohibited; then lubricate his body with olive oil, soda, nettle and wolf's bast seeds, pepper, saliva and similar substances.

You should also use pourings with highly absorbent properties, snuffing, as well as sneezing-inducing remedies, thinning rinses, which include thyme, hyssop, pulegium mint, satar, as well as rinses with honey, sea onions and other medicines that you have learned about. in the general rules of treatment. If you eat sea onions on your head, especially fresh, it helps. They also use other means that cause redness, applying them to the head, and mustard ointment; The patient's limbs should be rubbed and kneaded for a long time until they turn red and begin to ache. This is very useful. If the patient goes into hibernation, he is pulled by the hair, and many blood-sucking jars are placed on the back of his head, near the hollow, with light heat, but without an incision. However, sometimes you have to make an incision if there is a need to remove blood. When feeding one of these patients, feed him, for example, a decoction of lupine, chickpeas or barley. After feeding, the patient's limbs should be stretched for several hours to prevent the vapor from being pulled upward.

If, due to the duration of the illness, you are forced to give the patient a laxative to drink, especially if tremors appear in his body, then give him two-thirds of a bowl of beaver stream with a small amount of scammonium resin, less than one danak. When you fear an extreme increase in fever, eliminate the scammonium and limit yourself to one beaver stream and a change in nature without the help of defecation. The best method of evacuation in such cases is evacuation with the help of enemas, but if you are forced to use other means, then give iyaraja fikr in the amount of one dirham and a quarter, a dirham of coloquinte pulp, a third dirham of myrobalans and one danak of mastic, if the fever is not very bad. It’s hot and you’re sure that such a laxative will work. And if you are not sure of this, then inject a medicine or a suppository into his anus so that both means contribute to each other. Then wake the patient and make him strain to have a bowel movement. If the patient happens to forget to defecate and urinate, then pour water on the area of ​​the ureters and stomach in which chamomile, sweet clover, violets and iris rhizome have been boiled, and press on the bladder so that urine flows. Later, when the illness comes to an end, prescribe rocking on a swing and on a stretcher, and then light physical exercises and a regimen for convalescents.