Lith-, Litho-

Lith-, Litho- are prefixes that are used in scientific terms to refer to concretions, that is, stones. These prefixes are of Greek origin and come from the word "λίθος" (lithos), which means stone.

One of the most common terms using the prefix Lit- is lithogenesis. Lithogenesis is the process of stone formation. This term is widely used in medicine, in particular to describe the formation of stones in various human organs, such as the kidneys, gallbladder or bladder.

Another term that uses the prefix Lit- is lithology. Lithology is a science that studies the geological processes associated with the formation of stones. It involves the study of different types of rocks, their structure, properties and geological origin.

The prefix Litho- is also used in scientific terms to refer to stones. For example, the lithosphere is the upper part of the earth's crust, consisting of solid rocks. The lithosphere plays an important role in geological processes and is the object of study of lithology.

Another term that uses the prefix Lito- is lithotripsy. Lithotripsy is a treatment method that is used to break up stones in human organs such as the kidneys, gallbladder or bladder. This method is based on the use of ultrasonic waves or electrical impulses that break the stones into small particles, which are then eliminated from the body naturally.

Thus, the prefixes Lith- and Litho- are used in scientific terms to refer to concretions, that is, stones. They are widely used in medicine and geology to describe various processes associated with the formation and treatment of stones.

In this article we will look at word formation using the prefixes “lit” and “lito”. These prefixes are used to denote a calculus, that is, a stone.

The prefix “lit-” is used to form words related to stones. For example, “lit-process” is a process associated with the formation of stones. Also, a “lith container” is a container designed for storing stones.

The prefix “litho-” is also used to form words related to stones. “Lithography” is a method of creating images on stone, and “lithotherapy” is the treatment of stones.

Thus, the use of the prefix “lith-” and “lito-” allows us to more accurately determine what the word means and how it is related to concretions and stones.

Division into characters and literal objects

Author: Kirillova Anna Andreevna G. Kemerovo Scientific supervisor: Gubareva Natalya Yuryevna Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Kemerovo State University.

Abstract The article presents the results of research on new consoles. The research material is given in the form of a commentary on literals: the judgment that they function as parts of speech (in our case they are prefixes) is supported by dictionary definitions; literals are interpreted by analyzing the context of their use in the text. The term literal object is introduced to denote the concept embedded in a literal. Key words: literature, literary, litera, literality, litdesign, litera, words with the prefix lit-, literology, literary genres, real circumstances, literalization, poetic.

**Introduction** There are new prefixes in the Russian language, among which there are exoticisms litho- and lit-. Problems arise in the use of these words and their denoting names, which are not in dictionaries. The problem is explained by the complex nature of the functioning of new literary borrowings in the Russian language system - the words “literature”, which are Russianisms from the Finnish language and the words “literator”, “litfakt”, formed from their foreign counterparts. They are intended to replace Russian outdated names of Russian literature, literary genres, figures, terms, facts, nominations. There are three trends in the formation of new words. The first is the preservation of the morphemic structure of the word. The second is related to the word “literature”: it contains the Russian and Finnish letters l. Therefore, the name of the two realities differs only in spelling variations