Pullover with a barbell. Pullover with dumbbells.

Pullover – a basic exercise in bodybuilding. Can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, dumbbells, barbell discs, kettlebells and other equipment. The classic version is on horizontal bench, but all kinds of slopes – for example, to better emphasize the latissimus muscles, you need to do a pullover on an inclined bench with your head down.

How to do Pullover?

  1. Lie down on a horizontal surface
  2. Grab the apparatus and lift it as high as possible, as with a bench press - this is the starting position for the pullover,
  3. While inhaling, move your arms, almost bent at the elbows, behind your head (as in the picture),
  4. When your shoulders become parallel to your body, move your arms with a sharp exhalation in the opposite direction to the starting position so that your shoulders become perpendicular to your body again.
  5. Repeat the above steps at least 10 times.

There are several varieties Pullover:

  1. “Breathing pullover” is an exercise aimed at increasing the size of the chest as a whole. Used in a superset, together with “breathing squats”.
  2. “Power pullover” is a classic exercise focused specifically on the muscular system...

During the exercise, three muscle groups are involved:

  1. Pectoral muscles.
  2. Latissimus dorsi muscles.
  3. Arm triceps.

Moreover, in the first phase of the movement (from a horizontal position, the arms move from behind the head to a strictly vertical position) exclusively breast And triceps. In the second phase of the movement (from vertical to horizontal again at the hips) the work comes into play back. Therefore, when working the chest muscles, it is recommended to perform partial pullover - only the first half.

Also, a good alternative to this exercise is a specialized simulator, which allows almost the same thing, but only narrowly focused and concentrated.

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