
Steatopygia (from the ancient Greek στέαρ - fat and πυγή - buttock) is the accumulation of excess fat on the buttocks.

This phenomenon is characteristic of some peoples of Africa, in particular the Khoisan and Hottentots. Women of these nations deposit large reserves of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks, as a result of which they become disproportionately large. At the same time, the rest of the body remains slim.

It is believed that this feature is a genetically determined adaptation to the hot climate of Africa. Thanks to the thick layer of fat on the buttocks, greater thermal insulation is achieved in this part of the body when sitting and lying, which allows excess heat to be effectively removed from other areas of the skin. Thus, steatopygia does not lead to disruption of thermoregulation of the body of the Hottentots and Khoisans.

Steatopyagia (excessive fat deposition on the trunk)

One of the reasons leading to the formation of fat deposits is hyperadipogenesis, or, as it is also called, steatogenesis, i.e. formation of new fat cells. Obviously, an important element in this case is the state of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. The main links of this system are activation of adipocytes due to increased testosterone levels, insufficient regulation of thyroid hormones and catabolic function of the adrenal glands, disruption of the thyroid and pancreas. Among

The topic of today's article concerns a serious problem - fatty thighs. The disease is called steatophigitis or steatomyz. Therefore, people call it lipomas. For some people, this problem becomes visible to the naked eye, but even without unnecessary visual problems we can say that there is an excess of fat deposits. If it is hereditary, doctors recommend seeking help from a nutritionist. A specialist will create a special diet and help you adjust your weight and get rid of lipo.