Benzyl Benzoate (Benzyl Benwate)

Benzyl Benwate: description, application and trade name

Benzyl Benwate is an oily aromatic liquid that is widely used externally to treat scabies and head lice. It is one of the most effective and safe drugs for the treatment of these diseases.

Scabies is a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite infection. Its symptoms include itching, rashes and red spots on the skin. Benzyl Benzoate is used externally as a lotion to treat scabies. It kills ticks and eliminates the symptoms of the disease.

Pediculosis is a disease caused by lice insects that live on the scalp, body hair and clothing. Its symptoms include itching and irritation of the skin. Benzyl Benzoate is also effective in treating head lice. It kills lice and helps get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Benzyl Benzoate is used externally and is not intended for internal use. The drug is not recommended for use in children under 2 months, pregnant and lactating women.

The trade name of Benzyl Benzoate is Ascabiol. It is available without a prescription at most pharmacies.

In conclusion, Benzyl Benzoate is an effective drug for the treatment of scabies and head lice. It is safe for topical use and is available without a prescription. If you experience symptoms of scabies or head lice, contact your doctor or pharmacist to see if benzyl benzoate can be used to treat these conditions.

Benzyl Benzoate: an effective remedy for combating scabies and lice

Benzyl Benzoate is an oily aromatic liquid widely used in medicine for the treatment of scabies and lice. The product is applied externally as a lotion and is available under the trade name Ascabiol.

Scabies is a skin disease caused by a parasite known as the scabies mite. It penetrates the skin and causes intense itching, which can lead to severe burns and infections. Benzyl Benzoate is one of the most effective means to combat this disease. It works by killing mites and helping to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Pediculosis, or lice, also causes itching and irritation of the skin. This disease is caused by an insect known as lice. Benzyl Benzoate is also effective in treating this condition. It works by killing lice and eliminating symptoms.

Benzyl Benzoate has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve itching and irritation of the skin. It also has antimicrobial properties, which helps prevent infections caused by constant scratching.

Although Benzyl Benzoate is an effective treatment for scabies and head lice, it may cause some side effects. Some people may experience skin irritation, redness and burning. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. Before using Benzyl Benzoate, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.

In conclusion, Benzyl Benzoate is an effective treatment for scabies and head lice. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects, which help relieve symptoms and prevent infections. However, before use, you should consult your doctor and follow the instructions for use.

Benzyl Benzoate: An effective treatment for scabies and head lice.

Benzyl Benzoate is an oily aromatic liquid widely used medicinally to treat skin conditions such as scabies and head lice. It has antiparasitic properties and is widely used externally in the form of lotion.

One of the most common uses of Benzyl Benzoate is to treat scabies. Scabies is a skin disease caused by infection with the scabies mite. Symptoms of scabies include itching, rashes on the skin, especially in folds, and irritation. Benzyl Benzoate acts as an antiparasitic by killing and eliminating scabies mites from the skin. It penetrates the skin and disrupts the mite life cycle, helping to quickly relieve symptoms and cure the disease.

In addition, Benzyl Benzoate also shows high effectiveness in treating head lice, which is caused by lice infection. Head lice is common in children, and symptoms include itching, skin irritation, and the presence of lice or lice eggs (nits) in the hair. Benzyl Benzoate acts as a lice and nit killer, helping to get rid of the infection and stop the spread of parasites.

One commercial preparation containing Benzyl Benzoate is called Ascabiol. This drug is widely used in medical practice and is available without a prescription. It is a lotion that is applied to the affected areas of the skin. The use of Ascabiol usually comes with instructions for use and dosage that should be followed to achieve the best results.

It is important to note that before using Benzyl Benzoate or its products, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to give recommendations regarding the correct use, dosage and duration of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

In conclusion, Benzyl Benzoate is an effective antiparasitic agent used to treat scabies and head lice. It is an oily aromatic liquid and is applied externally as a lotion. The drug "Ascabiol" is one of the trade names under which Benzyl Benzoate is widely known and available. However, before using Benzyl Benzoate or its products, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for appropriate advice and instructions.

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. You should always consult a qualified physician or pharmacist before starting treatment.