
Lithuresis is the process of removing small stones or urinary sand in the urine. This procedure may be necessary to treat urolithiasis, which often causes severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, and bladder.

Urolithiasis is a disease in which stones form in the kidneys, bladder or ureters. Stones can be of different sizes and shapes, from small grains to large stones the size of a walnut. Stones can cause severe pain, bleeding and sometimes lead to urinary tract infections.

Lituresis is one of the methods of treating urolithiasis. It lies in the fact that stones are removed from the urinary tract using urine. This process can occur naturally, without the use of any medical procedures or drugs. However, if the stones are too large or the process of clearing the stones naturally is difficult, medical intervention may be required.

Depending on the size and location of the stones, lituresis can be carried out in various ways. For example, for small stones, increasing fluid intake may be sufficient to promote natural stone passage. Larger stones may require the use of medications to help dissolve the stones or surgery.

One of the most effective methods of lituresis is lithotripsy, which is performed using ultrasonic waves. This method allows the stones to be broken into small pieces, which are then excreted naturally through urine.

Overall, lituresis is an effective treatment for urolithiasis that can help avoid complications and reduce the risk of stone recurrence. However, like any medical procedure, lituresis may have risks and side effects, so seeking the advice of an experienced physician is essential.

Lithuresis, also known as Lithuresis, is a process in which small stones or stones are removed from the bladder through special procedures. This method can be used to treat various bladder and kidney diseases such as stones, kidney stones, urolithiasis and others.

Lituresis can be carried out both with and without the use of medications. In the first case, the patient may be prescribed medications that help dissolve stones or stones in the bladder. In the second case, special procedures are used, such as cystoscopy, urethroscopy or other methods, which allow the removal of stones from the bladder.

The lituresis procedure can be quite painful, so before undergoing it it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consult with a specialist. After the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort and pain, but this usually goes away within a few days.

Overall, lituresis is an effective treatment for bladder and kidney stones. However, before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient's condition and select the most appropriate treatment method.

When we talk about lithuresis, we usually mean a procedure in which the patient takes a small amount of oil or other medicine that helps break up bladder stones and remove them from the body. Liturez can be used to treat a stone or small stone no larger than 5 millimeters in size. This method can be effective, but may also have some side effects. In this article, we will talk about what lituresis is, how it works, what steps you need to take during the procedure, and what risks and side effects may occur with lituresis.

Lituresis is a procedure in which a person takes a special medicine to help remove stones or other deposits from the bladder or kidneys. Litureses can be performed by using oil, ursodeoxycholic acid products, or alternative medications. These medications help break down and break up stones in the urinary system, thereby facilitating their passage through the urinary tract. To undergo lituresis, the patient must visit a doctor who will confirm the presence of stone or sand in the urinary tract. The doctor will then explain to the patient why he needs lituresis and what steps he should take to make the procedure easier. During lituresis, it is important not to drink liquids containing calcium or eat foods that may increase stone formation, such as chocolate, coffee or dairy products. In addition, it is necessary to urinate regularly and drink plenty of water so that the stone or sand is completely eliminated from the body.