
In our country, syphilis became widespread in the second half of the 18th century with the advent of officer settlements and garrisons located near the southern borders of the state. By the beginning of the 19th century. The number of syphilis cases in the country increased sharply: this disease was called French syphilis or naval syphilis. According to the CSB data for 1960, about 33 million patients with venereal diseases live in the RSFSR. Currently, the prevalence of syphilis among women and men is approximately the same. Thus, in 1789, one of the symptoms of this disease (pemphigus of bubonic syphilis) was noted among 16% of all diseases, and according to data for 2006, this figure increased to 26.2%. People with active tuberculosis can become infected with syphilis. It has been established that the lower the radiological changes during the tuberculosis process, the higher the risk of syphilitic infection in patients, which manifests itself within a few months after infection. The risk increases especially in cases where treatment of the underlying disease is ineffective. It is also known that the main source of syphilis infection is a patient with secondary fresh syphilis.