
Longevity is a rather complex and heterogeneous phenomenon not only in evolutionary biology, but also in social sciences (sociology, demography, social psychology, etc.). In its most general form, this term is understood as the achievement of biological/psychological functions closely related to human health, the ultimate capabilities and limits of its reproduction. Centenarians provide observations about the internal mechanisms of age-related changes in cell organelles, organs and body systems. Other scientists are studying various aspects of coping among older adults. Review of available international studies on the health of centenarians that cannot be explained by the same general “gene theory.” The following differences and similarities may be observed in the lives of centenarians and long-lived people. The range of abnormal traits in animal and human populations begins to decline after age 35 and declines beyond this range. The study of longevity and life expectancy is of particular interest to researchers, since these indicators are influenced by genetic, environmental and environmental factors, and also depend on a person’s lifestyle. Environmental factors can have a direct impact: changes in situation or climate. For example, living in Arctic regions can negatively affect health. Or a person may be attracted to warmer areas, depending on his individual preferences. This simple example demonstrates the importance of a comprehensive analysis of the influence of various factors on a person’s lifespan: not only genetic or environmental, but also behavioral. The average age of a person continues to decrease over the long term. Recent research suggests the possibility of a further decline in average age.