Love Meal

Love Meal: How to eat right before an intimate meeting

When we are preparing for a date with our loved one, we usually try to create a special atmosphere and do everything to make our meeting unforgettable. However, in addition to a cozy atmosphere, in order for our intimate meeting to be as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to pay attention to what we will eat.

If you are planning a small dinner before an intimate meeting, then do not forget that proper nutrition can affect our well-being and our feelings. In this article, we will talk about which foods to choose in order to create the perfect Love Meal.

Sprouted grain flatbreads with honey
Let's start with the main dish. To prepare your body for intimacy, you need to eat light food that is quickly digested and does not create heaviness in the stomach. One such dish is sprouted grain flatbread with honey. They contain many useful substances that will help our body quickly restore strength.

More greens, vegetables, herbs, roots
To create the ideal balance in your diet, you need to eat more greens, vegetables, herbs and roots. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system, boost mood and improve overall well-being.

Light salad of raw vegetables and fried eggs
If you feel hungry after intimacy, it is recommended to prepare a light salad of raw vegetables and scrambled eggs. It contains a sufficient amount of protein, which will help you quickly regain strength. In addition, such a salad will dull the feeling of hunger and will not create heaviness in the stomach.

Culinary erotica
Culinary erotica can become a kind of help in caresses. For example, you can eat a piece of fruit together or drink a love potion in half from one glass. Place a table with drinks and fruits near your bed - they will create a pleasant aroma and add romance to your meeting.

Features of national diets
The French believe that sexual potency is greatly increased by eating large amounts of Camembert cheese, which should be washed down with mineral water. American nutritionists have developed their own diet to increase sexual potency, which includes eating sauerkraut three times a day. In both cases, diets are based on choosing foods that help increase sexual potency and improve sex life.

The secret of the French diet is the combination of complete protein contained in cheese with mineral elements found in water. The American diet is based on the fact that the sour taste of cabbage stimulates the energy of warming up the body, on which sexual energy is based, and lactic acid improves metabolism and adds vigor.

In conclusion, eating right before an intimate encounter can have a significant impact on how we feel and how we feel. Eating light meals rich in vitamins and minerals will help us quickly regain strength and create a romantic atmosphere. Additionally, choosing foods that promote sexual potency can improve our sex lives. Bon appetit and happy Love Meal!