Lutz Serpiginous Follicular Keratosis

Lütze Serpiginoznou Feolokutarinasny Urkatosa is a dermatological disease in which the structure of the skin is disrupted and numerous rashes appear on it. A dense papule forms on the surface and intense keratinization of tissue occurs. Brown formations of different sizes, they are located either in the form of roseola

keratoma - hyperkeratosis (dystrophic, warty), characterized by the appearance of scales and tubercles on the skin of the face, scalp and neck, which can be painful, accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, periodically manifested by inflammatory elements; the elements may then ulcerate or develop into warts

The etiology of keratoma is unknown. It is characterized by maternal inheritance.

Atheroma is a benign neoplasm of the sebaceous glands of the head, neck, face, chest and back in the form of spherical formations that rise above the surface of the skin or protrude into