Lymphaden- (Lymphaden-), Lymphadeno- (Lymphadeno-)

Lymphaden- (Lymphaden-), Lymphadeno- (Lymphadeno-) - a prefix denoting a lymph node (lymph nodes).

Lymphaden- and lymphadeno- are used in medical terminology to refer to the lymph nodes. For example:

  1. Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.

  2. Lymphadenectomy is the surgical removal of lymph nodes.

  3. Lymphadenography is an x-ray examination of the lymph nodes.

Thus, the prefixes lymphaden- and lymphadeno- indicate connection with the lymph nodes in anatomical and clinical terms.

A lymph node is a collection of lymphoid tissue that is located in different parts of the body and performs the function of protecting against infections and filtering lymph. The lymphatic system includes lymphatic vessels and nodes that are located throughout the body. Lymph transports substances derived from tissues, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The lymph node plays the role of a filter that cleanses the lymph from harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses and toxins.

The prefix “lymphaden” is used to designate an individual lymph node, and “lymphaden” is used to designate a group of nodes. Inflammation of a lymph node is called lymphadenitis. Lymph nodes can become enlarged due to various diseases, such as infections, autoimmune disorders and malignancies.

Lymphagen - Lymphagen - denoting that something belongs to the lymphatic system of the body. Lymphagene - Lymphogenous - meaning that something arises in lymphatic tissue.

These terms are opposite to the terms “hematogen”, i.e. originating from the blood or "histogen" respectively. The expression “lymphogenous” is more typical to denote a thing that is lymphogenous tissue of the human body, rather than belonging to the lymph system. However, the term lymphogenous appears in the names of many different things because it is associated with