Maffucci Syndrome

Maffucci syndrome or Ollia syndrome is a disease characterized by the development of angiomas and benign soft tissue tumors. The disease is rare and occurs in only 1% of the population. If we talk about Mafucci syndrome, then against its background a huge number of different angiomas develop in the body

Maffia syndrome Here is the long-awaited announcement. Today we will look at an interesting question. Let's now find out about mafia syndrome. Many have heard this term, but not everyone knows the essence of the concept. I really hope that thanks to this article you will find out what the essence of this syndrome is. But first I want to tell you about the author. This man also did not go through a very easy path in his life. He was born in Italy. I will also call this person that I wrote maffuchi for so long as sinomom, as he preferred to say. Our author was born in 1834. Curious, isn't it? But after just a few years, the author for some reason changes his last name to Mafucci. Really. It's entertaining. This is the term I chose for it. Let's move on. I want now to mention a well-known disease. And it will be associated precisely with this syndrome. It was precisely because of this disease that the expression to which I dedicated this article appeared. That same disease is osteochondrolysis type II. It is often also called Ollier's disease. In fact, this syndrome is the main background condition when the disease of osteochondrophytosis of the second type appears. Interesting name, by the way, true. Now I would like to draw your attention to how this syndrome appeared. The syndrome we looked at today was discovered by the Italian surgeon Maufucci in the mid-19th century. This was discussed earlier. At that time this disease was not widespread. Nowadays, many people have learned about this disease, as it is very common throughout the world. The disease manifests itself in the form of damage to the cartilage tissue of joints, soft tissues and ligaments. Sometimes these lesions can be much larger than the tissue itself. Osteochondrophytosis has not yet been fully studied, but it is already known that some forms of manifestation of this disease are caused at the genetic level. But there is still a disease that causes pain in the cartilage of the articular surface. This