Malacia (-Malacia)

Malacia is a suffix denoting abnormal softening of any tissue. It is often used in medical terminology to describe pathological conditions.

For example, the term keratomalacia describes the softening of the cornea of ​​the eye. Other examples could be:

  1. Encephalomalacia is a softening of the brain substance.

  2. Osteomalacia - softening of bone tissue.

  3. Chondromalacia - softening of cartilage tissue.

  4. Gastromalacia (gastromalacia) - softening of the gastric mucosa.

Thus, the suffix "-malacia" indicates a pathological condition of tissue softening, which helps accurately describe the disease or disorder.

Malacia is a medical term used to refer to abnormal softening of tissue in the body. This term is a suffix that is attached to the stem of a word to indicate a violation of its structure and function.

For example, keratomalacia (keratomalacia) is a condition in which the cornea of ​​the eye becomes soft and has lost its former strength. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of vitamin A in the diet, infectious diseases, injury, and other factors.

Keratomalacia can lead to serious vision problems such as refractive error and visual distortion. Treatment for keratomalacia may include the use of vitamin complexes and local treatment with eye drops.

There are also other types of malacia. For example, myelomalacia is a softening of the spinal cord that can be caused by various reasons, such as a blood supply disorder, injury or infection. This condition can cause disturbances in movement and sensation in various parts of the body and can lead to paralysis and other serious complications.

Overall, malaria is a condition that requires serious attention and treatment. It can affect various tissues and organs in the body and lead to serious complications. To prevent the development of malaria, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and monitor your health. If you suspect the development of malacia, consult a doctor who can prescribe the necessary treatment and help you restore your health.

Malacia is a phenomenon that occurs when there is an abnormal softening of any organic tissue in the human body. This word is of Greek origin and is translated as “incurable.” In some sources there is another translation - “useless”.

The most common types of malaria are:

- Keratomalacia - the process of necrosis of the stratum corneum of the skin with a change in its texture and consistency; - Glaucoma is a pathological condition of the eye, characterized by increased intraocular pressure; - Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract, which is characterized by attacks of suffocation.

In medicine, malaria is considered an extremely dangerous condition, as it can lead to serious consequences. If this pathology is detected at an early stage, it is easily treatable, but if the symptoms are ignored, the patient may develop irreversible complications over time.