Malacia Porotica Recklinghausen

Malaria Porotica Recklinghausen is a form of pathology in the area of ​​a vicious circle, occurring in the form of a genetically hereditary mutation, manifested in the form of various disorders, disorders in the human body associated with metabolic and nutritional disorders, as well as the exchange of body fluids. In this case, stagnation occurs, fluid retention, electrolyte stagnation, and renal dysfunction.

With Recklinghsen's malaria porotica, changes occur in the body that lead to various side diseases. These include weakness, increased fatigue, discomfort when urinating, pain in the kidneys, menstrual irregularities, swelling, etc. This condition may be present from birth or begin in adulthood.

The causes of this disease are related to heredity and genetics. But there are also factors that can contribute to its development or aggravate its manifestations. Such factors are unfavorable environmental conditions, insufficient nutrition, excess