Small liver size

Some people have a small liver, and sometimes it is small, like a kidney. Due to the small size of the liver, it happens that when a person takes as much nutrients as he needs, the liver cannot accommodate them, and the stomach sends it so much food that it is cramped there. This causes blockages and pains, aggravating and bursting, and the force of action of the liver is weakened, because its active force is suppressed by the force of the substance entering it, which is exposed to its action. The healthy state of digestion, the attraction, retention, decomposition and expulsion of juices is thus disturbed, and there is often constant diarrhea and disorder, for a large proportion of the pure part of the chyle is not drawn into the liver.

Signs. Sometimes this is indicated by the fact that blockages form near the liver and winds accumulate in abundance. Food, even in moderate quantity, burdens it and the body weakens because it needs more food. Weakness of digestion becomes constant, and the formation of blockages and tumors in the liver becomes more frequent. This assumption is confirmed by the naturally short fingers. One man's body did not take in any food, and there was no nutrient that should be taken into account. Galen assumed that the patient was suffering due to the small size of the liver and the narrowness of its passages, and successfully applied the appropriate regimen.

Therapeutic regimen for this disease. When treating such patients, they are given food that is small in volume, but very nutritious and quickly penetrates the organs. It should be taken separately, several times, while using diuretics, laxatives, liver cleansers, thinners and openers.