A one-day fever of joy and fear

Fever sometimes arises from immoderate joy, just as it arises from anger.

Its signs are close to the signs of fever from anger, but only the expression of the eyes is the same as that of a happy person, not the same as that of an angry one, and the pulse rate is lower.

Treatment. Its treatment is close to the treatment of fever from anger.

Sometimes a one-day fever arises from fright in the same way as it arises from grief: after all, fear is related to grief in the same way as anger is related to joy, in the sense that with fear the movement of the pneuma is directed inward, and with anger the movement is directed outward and inward. in both cases it occurs suddenly, whereas in the other two experiences it occurs gradually.

The signs here are close to those of fever from grief, but only the unevenness of the pulse is greater and the expression in the eyes is like that of a frightened person.

Treatment. The treatment approaches that of grief fever. You should protect the patient from fear and bring him good news. Wine is good for him.