
Mammothermography is a method of examining the mammary glands for the presence of tumors or any other formations using thermography.

Mammothermography uses a special thermal imaging camera that records infrared radiation from the surface of the mammary glands. Based on the obtained thermograms, doctors can identify temperature anomalies, which may indicate the presence of tumors or inflammatory processes.

The advantage of mammothermography is that it is non-invasive and has no harmful effects, unlike mammography using X-rays. In addition, mammothermography allows you to detect changes in breast tissue at earlier stages.

However, mammothermography cannot provide an accurate diagnosis and localization of the tumor, so it is most often used in addition to other methods for diagnosing breast cancer. However, regular mammothermography helps monitor the condition of the mammary glands and promptly detect pathological changes.

Mammothermography is a method of examining the mammary glands for the presence of tumors or any other formations using thermal imaging. This method is widely used in medicine to diagnose breast cancer in women.

Mammothermography is performed using a special device called a mammograph. The device creates an image of the mammary glands using infrared radiation and special software.

To perform a mammogram, you need to lie on the table located in the machine and close your eyes. Then a special gel is applied to the mammary glands, which improves heat conduction. The machine then begins scanning the breast, creating images in different parts.

If any changes are detected in the image, the doctor may order additional tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, to determine an accurate diagnosis.

It is important to note that mammothermography is not a replacement for conventional mammography, which is performed using X-rays. However, this method may be more effective in diagnosing breast cancer in the early stages.

Overall, mammothermography is an important method for diagnosing breast cancer, which helps doctors detect diseases in the early stages and improve treatment outcomes.

Mammography is a radiation diagnostic method to detect breast tumors. Mammography of the mammary glands of women over the age of 40 years is aimed at assessing the density of the gland tissue and identifying breast formations characteristic of cancer. It is also used for preventive purposes. It also allows you to identify various anomalies in the development of the mammary glands (hypoplasia, dysplasia).

Using a mammograph, the breast is examined in different projections. Depending on the location of the tumor formation, the projection of the breast also changes. After the procedure, mammography makes it possible to immediately see the results, evaluate them and make an appropriate decision. Mammography is also effective for gynecologists when prescribing treatment, when the mammologist sees the most correct ways to resolve the situation. It helps to find out exactly