
Manganoconiosis, siderosis, is a respiratory disease caused by long-term inhalation of dust from manganese salts (oxides, carbonates, hydroxides). The disease is common among miners of manganese mines. It is assumed that manganese can enter the body through severe lead poisoning, as well as through inhalation of gas containing manganese during welding, working with furnace and frying equipment.[1] In developed countries, people with insufficient lung ventilation (smokers, coal mine workers in hot countries, etc.) are most susceptible to manganese. Men get sick more often than women - the incidence ratio is 3 to 4 in whites, 2 to 5 in African Americans, and in Indo-Europeans it reaches 8 to 9.[2] According to modern concepts, manganese is a substance that has a high degree of impact on the respiratory tract. Possessing “soft” metals and other chemical properties, it is a severe inhalation poison, the damage of which consists of: 1) damage to the mucous membrane of the bronchi, the 1st section of the respiratory bronchial system and the conjunctiva of the eyeball; 2) necrotic damage to the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and alveoli, the vessels surrounding it, followed by petrification, abscess formation and encapsulation of the formed cavities; 3) intoxication, closely related to metabolic processes occurring in the lungs, liver and spleen. The main symptom of mangano-coniosis is shortness of breath, which appears due to irritation of the fimbriae in the larynx with the formation of a deformed lumen. The development of spasm is accompanied by paroxysmal coughing and severe pain in the tracheal area. As the attack drags on, “gurgles” appear in the throat, often leading to hemoptysis. There is a bluish discoloration on the cheeks and lips. Symptoms usually appear as the condition worsens. An acute course can lead to the death of the patient due to the development of acute heart failure. General malaise (with body temperature above normal) is often observed, which is associated with rheumatic heart disease. The most unfavorable course is asthmatic syndrome with asthma attacks typical of asthma. Without timely assistance, obstructive symptoms and a chronic infiltrative process develop in later stages. Eventually, with age, emphysema and bronchiectasis appear.

Manganoconiosis is a disease that occurs due to prolonged skin contact with manganese. It manifests itself in different symptoms depending on the level of exposure and time spent in the contaminated area. Below is information about manganoconiosis, its symptoms, treatment and preventive measures.

Manganoconiosis occurs from prolonged exposure to manganese vapor in humans. Mass statistics show that such cases occur quite often. People working in production areas related to manganese processing are especially affected. According to data, 2% of manganese workers in the United States are diagnosed with manganococnism, despite the fact that harmful exposure to manganese accounts for only 0.05% of all occupational diseases. However, cases of the disease are also recorded in people not associated with the production or processing of manganese products. In this case, the concentration of manganese in the environment may be lower, but this is already a fact of the influence of this element on human health.

*Note: The main cause of manganoconiosis is inhalation of manganese and other substances contained in the air.*
