Mania Without Delirium

“Non-delusional mania” is a psychological concept that describes a state where a person experiences obsessive thoughts and ideas, but is not aware that they are symptoms of a mental disorder. This combination can lead to serious consequences, including social isolation, financial loss and even death. In this article we will look at how mania without delirium occurs, what symptoms may accompany it, as well as the dangers associated with this condition.

Mania Without delusions is a complex and delicate issue in psychiatry that many researchers and specialists have been discussing for many years. Unfortunately, mental health problems in modern society have become global, and the number of patients suffering from mania without delusions is increasing. This is due to many factors such as technological innovations, changes in lifestyle and disruption of social norms. The development of technology has allowed a person to speed up his work and get instant results without much effort. This has led to the development of self-doubt and has negatively impacted the mental health of millions of people. Modern lifestyles have become more intense and crowded, leading to