Magnana Hallucinatory Delusional Insanity

Magnana hallucinatory delusional stupor (English: Manía Gallucinótica Bruta) is a state of a person in which he experiences unusual experiences and hallucinations, which are accompanied by delusions, aggression and inappropriate behavior. This condition can be caused by various reasons, including psychological, neurological and psychiatric diseases.

The main symptoms of maniana hallucinatory delusions maniana are vivid experiences, hallucinations and delusions. A person may see strange images, hear sounds and smell smells that do not exist in reality. In some cases, hallucinations can be dangerous

Hallucination usually refers to an illusion in which something imagined becomes tangible, such as tasting something that does not exist or perceiving non-existent or imaginary objects. Those who hallucinate usually report that they see, feel, or hear things that do not exist in the world.