
Marasmus is a severe condition that occurs in infants and leads to severe wasting, as well as a decrease in their weight below 75% of what they should have for their age. This serious disease can lead to the death of a child if attention is not paid to it and treatment is not started in a timely manner.

The main symptoms of marasmus include an older appearance of the child, pallor, apathy, lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue and impaired thermoregulation. Infants with marasmus may also experience weak crying, weakened reflexes, and a general feeling of sluggishness.

Marasmus can occur for several reasons, including malabsorption, poor diet, metabolic disorders, frequent vomiting and diarrhea, and various serious illnesses such as heart, lung, kidney, or urinary tract disease. In addition, chronic bacterial or parasitic infection can also lead to the development of marasmus, especially in countries with tropical climates.

A mother's refusal to breastfeed can also cause the development of marasmus due to the child's malnutrition. Therefore, special attention must be paid to proper nutrition and care of infants, especially in the first months of life.

Treatment for marasmus depends on the cause that caused it. However, in any case, a sick baby needs careful care and provision of the nutrition necessary for his age and the required amount of fluid entering the body. This can be achieved only gradually, constantly expanding his diet. In addition, infants with marasmus may need additional vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

It is important to understand that marasmus is a serious disease that can lead to the death of a child. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor at the first signs of insanity and begin timely treatment. This is the only way to prevent possible complications and save the baby’s life.

Marasmus is a type of severe malnutrition in infants, in which children look old, pale, apathetic and often have impaired thermoregulation and a lack of subcutaneous fat. Children with marasmus often experience a decrease in body weight beyond their normal level, which is why it is also called exudation

The relevance of the problem of the health of children's generations, increasing every year, is one of the priorities in the formation of the nation. Research by scientists has shown the seriousness of violations of various functions of human life, especially when it comes to young children due to their immaturity of many systems. Children's health is a multifaceted concept in the structure of which it is clear