Strength development technique.

The means of developing strength are exercises with weights (resistance), performed in static or dynamic modes. There are different exercises with external weights (mass of the projectile, resistance of elastic objects) and weighed down by its own weight (pull-ups, push-ups, squats, etc.).

Along with these, they are also actively practicing combined strength development technique – all kinds of exercises where the weight of your own body is supplemented by the mass of external objects.

The following methods of developing strength have received the greatest practical application:
  1. maximum and submaximal weights (in dynamic mode),
  2. maximum weights (in static mode),
  3. heavy weights (in dynamic mode),
  4. medium and small weights (in dynamic mode).

Let's look at each of them in more detail...

Method of maximum and submaximal weights (in dynamic mode).

This training option is considered the most optimal in preparation. powerlifters And weightliftersfor whom the volume of muscle mass is not the main thing, their task is to lift the maximum possible weight in key exercises, which is only possible with powerful, explosive strength. In fact, this training option provides strength growth without significant muscle gain by stimulating maximum excitation of the central nervous system, improving neuro-coordination relationships in conditions of a slight increase in metabolic processes in the muscles. The amount of weight is dosed as a percentage of its maximum mass, either in relation to the dynamometer indicators, or by the number of possible repetitions of the movement in one set:


Determining the amount of weight in exercises to develop strength

Nature of the burden

Percentage of the maximum weight of the weight being moved

Number of repetitions in one approach - “repetition maximum” (RM)















13 and more

Each exercise is performed in a series of several sets of weights with sequentially varying weight or resistance. In one series - 1-3 repetitions. One lesson includes 1-3 series. Rest pauses between series - 1-3 minutes, and between different exercises - 3-5 minutes (until recovery);

Characterized by the manifestation of force, amounting to 80 - 100 percent of the maximum possible. Allows you to influence almost any muscle group, but the increase in strength is manifested only in the body position in which the exercise is performed. The duration of one static voltage is 6-12 s. The training task (TZ) usually includes 3-6 series of 3 exercises.

Power tension in static exercises is fixed by dynamometer;

Method of heavy weights (in dynamic mode).

Aimed at the parallel development of neuromuscular coordination and muscle mass growth. Weights used are 80-100 percent of the maximum possible value. Each set contains 1-3 repetitions. In a series - 6-7 approaches. TK includes up to 6-9 episodes;

Method of medium and small weights (in dynamic mode).

It is this training methodology that is actively used in fitness and bodybuilding. It directly promotes the activation of plastic metabolism in muscle tissue, leads to working muscle hypertrophy and thereby causes an increase in strength. Used primarily to increase muscle mass. Weights equal to 50-80 percent of the maximum possible are used. Each exercise is performed in 6-9 series with 6-12 or more repetitions in one series. Each set contains 5-6 exercises.

The greatest effect at the initial stage of training is achieved with three workouts per week.

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