Oil for oily skin reviews

Many people are sure that oily skin and facial oil are incompatible concepts. But this is a mistake. We provide convincing evidence and learn how to mix vegetable and essential oils designed specifically for oily skin.

  1. Why do you need oils for oily skin?
  2. Essential oils for oily skin
  3. Rules of application
  4. Precautionary measures
  5. Cosmetic oils for oily skin

Why do you need oils for oily skin?

Those with oily skin have good reason to try to avoid oil-based cosmetics. It is believed that formulas in which the content of lipids (fats) predominates will not benefit the skin, which is already characterized by increased oiliness. Moreover, the situation can worsen:

at least increase the greasy shine;

and in the worst case, clog pores and provoke the formation of acne.

Oils can be beneficial for oily skin © DECLÉOR

It's not surprising that oily skin and oil seem like an extremely bad pairing. It seems that this union is doomed to failure. However, contrary to popular belief, oil can become a faithful companion for oily skin and bring a lot of benefits to it.

Paradox? No, pure biochemistry. Olga Gorokhova, expert and training manager of the Decléor brand, explains:

“The fat-soluble part of triglycerides (the main component of sebum) includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid. If it is not enough, it is replaced by monounsaturated acids (oleic, sapienic).

This leads to a change in the quality of sebum and the pH of the skin, which tends towards alkaline, which entails the development of pathogenic microflora and inflammation. Vegetable oils in combination with essential oils restore balance and normalize the composition of sebum.”

Why do vegetable oils appeal to oily skin? First of all, the content of essential fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic, the lack of which can result in inflammation. In addition, vegetable oils have many properties that are beneficial to any skin. They can:

fight free radicals;

strengthen the barrier function.

Vegetable oils have healing properties and are effective in complex acne therapy. They also contain vitamins A, E, B1, B12, C, PP, and are rich in microelements (potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc). The following oils are considered the most beneficial for oily skin, not without reason:

passion fruit: reduces sebum production, tightens pores;

grape seed: moisturizes, tightens pores;

sweet almonds: cleanses, soothes, smoothes the skin;

jojoba: provides an antibacterial effect, soothes, softens;

peach: strengthens, softens, soothes;

hazelnut: cleanses and tightens pores, moisturizes.

Essential oils for oily skin

Essential oils are multicomponent mixtures containing from 100 to 500 active compounds. Their molecules are very small and penetrate the body in two ways: through the skin and the respiratory tract. Thanks to phytoncides, all essential oils have antiseptic properties and antiviral activity.

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on oily skin © DECLÉOR

This is a real natural antibiotic for the skin! At the same time, being aggressive against microbes, essential oils are completely harmless to humans. By the way, the antibacterial effectiveness of ylang-ylang essential oil is 1.5 times higher than that of salicylic acid.

In addition, essential oils:

help remove toxins;

have a restorative effect on cells;

protects against UV rays thanks to its antioxidant effect;

improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;

have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To verify the above on your own skin, test the essential oils from the list below.

Ylang-ylang: acts as an antioxidant, reduces sebum production, has antibacterial activity and a pigment-constricting effect.

Tea tree: Known for antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Green oregano: has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rosemary: reduces sebum production, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Sage: works as an antiseptic.

Lavender: has antiseptic, healing, refreshing properties.

Rules of application

All products containing oils must be warmed in the palms and only then applied to the face. If you choose the right formula that suits your skin type, there should be no sticky feeling. The whole secret lies in the quality of the oils that are included in the cosmetic product.

Use extra cold pressed oils © DECLÉOR

Real, pure and high-quality vegetable oils are obtained only by first cold pressing. They are not sticky, not greasy, do not clog pores, and are instantly absorbed. And therefore non-comedogenic.

Essential oils do not leave stains on clothes.

It is better to use cocktails of essential and vegetable oils, for example, the Decléor brand, which are created taking into account the characteristics of different skin types.

Precautionary measures

Among vegetable oils, there are still those that oily skin may not like because they have a comedogenic effect. These include the so-called batters:

Products containing mineral oils can also clog pores, so those with oily skin should avoid using both butters and mineral oils.

Do not apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin. The exception is lavender and tea tree essential oils.

Cosmetic oils for oily skin

Making your own essential oil cocktails is an interesting business, but if you lack knowledge and skills, it is better to trust the professionals. Or use ready-made mixtures for oily skin - compositions with a adjusted dosage and rich composition. Here are some examples.

Aromatic serum with essential oils of ylang-ylang and cananga, Decléor, specially created for oily and combination skin. In its heart are valuable essential oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, oregano, black pepper. The serum cleanses the epidermis, significantly tightens pores, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Mattifying fluid that improves complexion, Aroma Pureté, Decléor, eliminates oily shine throughout the day, evens out skin texture, tightens pores. Apply it immediately after the aromatic essence.

Cleansing night balm with ylang-ylang oil, Decléor, - a real “first aid kit” for comprehensive care for oily and problem skin. The essential oils included in the balm cleanse the skin, help reduce sebum production and tighten pores, and also give a healthy glow. For optimal skin restoration, apply a small amount of balm (a pea-sized amount is enough) before bed.

In the East, all women use only oils. They grow old only at a fairly mature age, as their sages say, “before leaving for the next world.” And it’s true, I’ve been there more than once, for them oils are therapy for everything, from the skin to the treatment of diseases.

I became a vegetarian. The result is healthy, ruddy skin. Now I’m 27. I look at most 20. The only effective recipe for beauty. Good luck to everyone!! Yehoo!))

I tried jojoba oil and grape seed oil instead of face cream, I really liked it. But I doubt whether it’s harmful to use them all the time, especially for the skin around the eyes (I’m 29 and have facial wrinkles). Girls, please share your experience.

You all will never understand that Eastern women are different in “their composition”, and not in what they smear themselves with. Their genetics are different.

It’s better to use organics and everything will be fine. - what is meant?

It’s better to use organics and everything will be fine. - what is meant?

Related topics

I remove my eye makeup with olive oil in the evening! just great! If it’s not enough to warm it up a little, then it’s generally ideal. I apply it to my face at night, but not always - I alternate with cream, sometimes I give my skin a rest from everything - oils and creams

Come on, girls, you're just lazy! I’m also terribly lazy, but making cream is not as difficult as it might seem. I worked towards this mentally for a long time :-) I also used oils (it also seemed like nothing could be better) and expensive organics, but life forced me to learn how to make cream and now I am grateful to fate! :-) And because I learned a lot of interesting things, and because I will save a lot of money on creams and cosmetic procedures (which I have become more knowledgeable about), and most importantly, I have solved all my problems, at least for the next 20 years.
So, don’t be lazy and you will be rewarded!

Well, I’ll write my story too. I stopped using industrial creams for about four years, because at the age of 26 my skin was flabby and fair. In general, I read a lot about oils and ordered high-quality oils (base and essential) for myself. I began to ask, to look for which one suits my skin best. At first I was all covered in acne, it seemed like my skin was clearing up, and as soon as it all went away... I even stopped using powder! The skin is smooth, elastic.. I made myself some creams, it’s great! After 3-4 years I returned to creams again, and I see my skin became flabby again, in general I didn’t like the condition... I decided to switch to oils again. Here is my experiment. And they didn’t dry anything out for me, but of course it’s better to apply it to WET skin, so it’s better absorbed, my skin “ate” the oil, and there was no trace of grease left, and the creams left an eternal film and my face seemed to “float.”
Yes..what are my favorite oils: JOJOBA! NO COMPETITION! This is the best thing for me and will go under makeup instead of day cream! Absorbs without leaving a trace and is protected from UV! Olive naturally (overnight), avocado is super nourishing (I use it more often in winter), sesame moisturizes great, macadamia is absorbed well because... close in composition to skin (just like jojoba).
so I don’t know what to whom, to each his own, probably, this is my experience, it may be useful to someone. Some skin does not accept oils, some have allergies, everything is individual, of course. And also, you definitely need to take a break! because You can’t nourish the skin too much; it gets used to it, and the skin goes from better to worse.

Dear girls!
Today I come to you with a new question.
I am very interested in your opinion (especially the opinion of those with oily or problem skin) regarding the use of oils or oil-based products in care. There are, roughly speaking, two camps: some say that oily skin will only be grateful for the use of oils, while others argue that oils and products based on oil rather than water are evil and those with oily skin should stay away from products such as further as possible.
I don’t exclude that there will be two conflicting opinions here, but I really want to ask you, ask you to share your experience, since I myself can’t quite figure it out.

We are talking about pure oils or products based on them, maybe organic, that is, definitely no mineral oil or other petroleum products.