Jojoba oil for the face against wrinkles, reviews from cosmetologists


Benefits of jojoba oil

Jojoba oil helps smooth out wrinkles and effectively combats dry skin. It contains an amino acid that is similar in composition to collagen. This protein gives elasticity and firmness to the skin. Contains vitamin E in high concentration, which is an antioxidant. It helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Jojoba oil also contains wax esters, similar in composition to human sebum. Therefore, it is easily absorbed.

Effectively protects skin and hair from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, which also helps maintain youthful skin, reducing the risk of “photoaging.” Jojoba oil in general is very beneficial for hair, smoothes its scales and reduces fragility.

It has an antibacterial effect and stimulates skin regeneration, which is useful for post-acne and minor inflammations. Jojoba oil is often included in medicinal balms that are used for skin diseases.

Harmful effects of jojoba oil

Individual intolerance to jojoba oil occurs extremely rarely. However, when using for the first time, it is better to conduct a test: apply a drop of oil to your wrist and evaluate the condition of the skin after half an hour. If no redness appears, then there is no allergy.

If the oil is used too often in its pure form on the entire skin of the face, especially if it is oily, the activity of the sebaceous glands may increase and inflammation may occur.

How to choose jojoba oil

Jojoba oil became known to the whole world only in the 18th century. It was actively used by North American Indians. The oil is extracted from the fruits of an evergreen shrub, and in appearance it resembles liquid wax. The oil is golden in color and thickens when stored in the refrigerator, becoming liquid again at room temperature. The smell is weak.

High-quality oil is sold in small dark glass bottles.

Main producing countries: Mexico, USA, Australia, Brazil, Israel, Peru, Argentina and Egypt. Jojoba does not grow in cold climates, so studying the country indicated on the bottle will also help you evaluate a fake.

It is better to store jojoba oil in the refrigerator, warming the required amount at room temperature or in a water bath before use. Unlike many other vegetable oils, jojoba oil can be stored for several years, as it contains a significant amount of ceramides - they do not allow the oil to oxidize quickly.

Uses of jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is rarely used in its pure form due to its thick consistency. It is usually added to other base oils: for example, almond or grape seed; and enrich cosmetics: add a few drops to hair masks, creams, lotions.

Viscous jojoba oil contains a substance that maintains skin elasticity and firmness. Due to this, as well as vitamins A and E, the oil helps smooth out wrinkles. Regular massage of the area around the eyes with jojoba oil reduces deep wrinkles and removes small ones.

You can use the oil to remove eye makeup using a cotton swab soaked in warm oil. This way the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and moisturized.

Jojoba oil has an antibacterial effect, so it helps with skin inflammation. Helps speed up skin regeneration and reduce possible scars after damage to the epidermis. For the same purpose, oil is applied to chapped lips.

To restore dry and brittle hair, you can comb your hair several times a week with a wooden comb and apply a teaspoon of jojoba oil to it. Applying a few drops of oil to damp hair will provide good thermal protection when styling your hair with a curling iron or flat iron. For conditioning and better combing of hair, jojoba oil is added to shampoos and conditioners: about 20 drops per 100 milliliters of product.

Adding jojoba oil to massage products increases the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage.

This oil also reduces brittle nails and dry cuticles. To do this, rub warm oil into your fingertips until absorbed.

Many women have seen from their own experience how grateful the skin responds if natural oils are used for care. These products are an inexhaustible source of substances beneficial to epidermal cells. By using jojoba oil for wrinkles, you can get excellent results very quickly.

The raw materials for obtaining the product are the fruits of the evergreen plant Simmondsia sinensis (the second name of this plant is jojoba). The oil of this plant, exotic for our latitudes, has found wide application in cosmetology. It is included in various factory-produced cosmetic products, and is also used in home cosmetology.


Two types of products are produced from the fruits of the jojoba bush - a cosmetic base and an ether. The first is allowed to be applied to the skin of the face and body without diluting, and also used as a base for various cosmetic compositions. Ether is a concentrated product, so it is used in doses, adding a few drops to any finished cosmetic product.


The value of oil from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis lies in its unique composition. In addition to a set of amino acids, beneficial vitamins and minerals, which are also present in other natural vegetable oils, jojoba oil also contains unique components. In particular, eicosenoic acid, which is quite rare.

  1. Richest set of fatty acids. These substances provide high-quality protection of the epidermis from adverse external factors - ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures, wind, etc. Eicosenoic acid, which is part of the product, is a rather rare component; this substance is one of the most effective means of promoting regeneration, that is, cell renewal .
  2. Fatty alcohols. Several types of fatty alcohols included in the product stimulate blood circulation.
  3. Collagen. This component is extremely useful for mature skin, since the appearance of wrinkles and decreased elasticity are a direct consequence of decreased collagen production.
  4. Tocopherol. This substance is commonly called the “vitamin of youth”, as it is one of the most active natural antioxidants.
  5. Ceramides. These are substances that help preserve all the valuable substances contained in the product. In addition, they increase the absorption of these substances by cells.

Considering the chemical composition, the oil obtained from jojoba fruits would be more correctly called vegetable wax. Indeed, the product has a fairly dense consistency, but at the same time, it is perfectly absorbed and does not create the feeling of a film of grease on the skin.


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There are different uses for Simmondsia sinensis oil. The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Using jojoba oil for the face, you can achieve:

  1. refreshing the epidermis and giving it softness;
  2. restoring lipid balance, this product works great on any type of skin;
  3. improving blood and lymph circulation;
  4. accelerating cell renewal processes;
  5. lifting effect;
  6. eliminate peeling;
  7. eliminating rashes;
  8. effective protection from adverse effects;
  9. smoothing out wrinkles.

Ideal for eyelids. When used correctly, you can eliminate bags under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, and tighten the skin on the upper eyelids.


The uniqueness of products made from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis lies in their complex effects, that is, when used correctly, they solve all existing cosmetic problems.

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Precautionary measures

Jojoba oil is an almost universal product. The only contraindication to its use is individual skin sensitivity. Intolerance to the base product is extremely rare. But allergic reactions to contact with essential oils develop much more often.

Therefore, in order to maintain beauty and health, take the time to conduct a simple test for the sensitivity of your skin. Rub a drop of oil into your wrist and watch your skin react. If no discomfort appears within 24 hours, the product is suitable for you.

Rules of application

When planning to use jojoba oil against wrinkles, you should first study the rules for using this product.

  1. The oil can be applied in its pure form, for this it is recommended to warm it up a little so that it reaches body temperature. Warm oil penetrates better into the deeper layers of the skin.
  2. Product more often used for preparing mixedcosmetic compositions. It goes well with other base and essential oils, as well as other products used in home cosmetology.
  3. Do not apply oil or cosmetic compositions based on it in too thick a layer. Firstly, it is uneconomical, and secondly, it is useless. It is recommended to apply oil compositions in an even but thin layer. In this case, almost all the oil will be absorbed into the skin. If after half an hour you blot your skin with a napkin, then there should be a minimum of traces left on it. If there is a lot of excess oil, then next time apply an even thinner layer of oil.
  4. Especially You need to carefully apply oil compositions to the skin of the eyelids. The oil should not drain and get on the mucous membranes of the eye.
  5. The time of the procedure depends on the chosen composition. As a rule, you need to remove masks after 15-40 minutes. If the composition contains nothing but oils, it will be enough to simply remove the excess with a paper towel. If a mixture is prepared with the addition of other products (honey, yolk, etc.), then the composition should be washed off with a sponge or swab with warm water.
  6. The frequency of procedures depends on the goals set. If this is to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, then it is enough to use the oil 3-4 times a month. If you need to remove wrinkles that have already appeared on the skin, then you need to make masks every 3-4 days.
  7. The full course of using the oil is 12-15 procedures, then you need to stop using oil for about a month so that your skin can rest.

In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Simmondsia sinensis base oil can be used in different ways.

Undiluted product

It is irrational to apply undiluted oil to large areas of the skin; it is better to prepare mixtures with other cosmetic oils. However, areas where peeling has appeared can be lubricated with a thin layer of undiluted product. Despite its dense structure, it is perfectly absorbed.

It is recommended to use jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes. Apply the product to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids in a thin layer. You should not do this every day; it is better to carry out the described procedure once every two to three days. Half an hour after application, be sure to remove excess with a dry swab.

To eliminate crow's feet, it is recommended to add vitamins to the oil. Add the contents of one gelatin capsule of the vitamin preparation Aevit to a teaspoon of the product.

Oil formulations

Cosmetologists recommend mixing oil from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis with other base and essential oils. When planning to use jojoba oil for expression lines, it is recommended to mix it with avocado oil in a one-to-one ratio. The oil mixture is applied warm to the wrinkles and lightly “hammered” in with your fingertips. Then distribute the remaining mixture over the entire face. After half an hour, remove excess mixture with a paper towel.

If your skin is severely dehydrated, then the ideal care product for her would be a mixture of coconut and jojoba oil in a two to one ratio. You will need to heat both types of oil to a temperature no higher than forty degrees and mix thoroughly. Apply a thin layer to the skin. This composition can be used as a night or day cream. Remove excess after forty minutes.

To get rid of expression wrinkles on the forehead It is recommended to make an oil compress. It is necessary to mix 10 ml of jojoba and olive oils and add two drops of rosemary and neroli esters to the mixture. Another composition option: mix jojoba and peach oils (10 ml each) and add two drops each of patchouli, sandalwood and chamomile esters.

Soak a gauze pad in the warm mixture and place it on your forehead. Cover your forehead with a piece of parchment and a thick terry towel on top. Remove the compress after twenty minutes.

Lip balm

Lightly heat 15 ml of jojoba oil and mix it with three drops of mint essential oil. Instead of mint essential oil, you can take rose or lemon balm essential oil.


Pour the mixture into a clean, opaque jar with a lid. Apply to lips daily in the morning before going outside and at night.

Homemade cream

Fans of homemade cosmetics can prepare homemade cream for daily care using jojoba oil. Here is the algorithm for preparing this cosmetic product:

  1. It is not recommended to use containers in which food is prepared for preparing homemade cosmetics; allocate separate containers for this purpose;
  2. make a water bath. Then you need to put 30 ml of jojoba oil in a smaller container, slightly heat the product, avoiding heating to a temperature above forty degrees;
  3. Without removing the dishes from the water bath, add two grams of pure beeswax (this substance will act as an emulsifier) ​​and 10 drops of geranium ether to the warm oil;
  4. stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous;
  5. remove the dish from the hot water and, continuing to stir, cool slightly;
  6. gradually pour in 60 ml of rose or orange water (choose to your taste);
  7. add the contents of two ampoules of vitamin E solution in oil.

Place the resulting mixture in a clean, washed cream jar. Please note that homemade cream will not look like a store-bought product, since it does not contain stabilizers or preservatives. The finished cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Apply daily in the evenings.

Mask options

You can prepare a variety of homemade cosmetic masks using jojoba oil. Here are proven recipes.


This composition is suitable for normal to dry skin. You will need about 50 grams of fatty fresh cottage cheese. The product needs to be ground, adding to it a tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot or pumpkin juice and 10 ml of oil from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis. Mix everything and apply to prepared facial skin for a quarter of an hour.

With tropical fruits

Grind a quarter of an avocado and a banana to a puree. Then mix this puree with 10 ml of heated jojoba oil.


Apply to skin for twenty minutes.

Honey with yolk

This composition is ideal for skin that has begun to fade. You need to grind a tablespoon of natural liquid honey with one egg yolk. Then add ten drops of juice squeezed from lime and 10 ml of heated oil from the fruits of Simmondsia sinensis. Apply the resulting mass to prepared facial skin for a quarter of an hour.

With blue clay

This composition is good for tightening, it is recommended to use it not only for the face, but also for the neck.

Mix a spoonful of liquid honey with the same amount of natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Separately, mix a spoonful of blue clay with a small amount of cold water to form a thick mass. Heat 10 ml of oil. Now mix warm Simmondsia sinensis oil with the prepared clay and honey-yogurt mixture. Apply the prepared composition for a quarter of an hour.

With cream

To prepare this moisturizing and nourishing composition, you will need heavy cream. They need to be mixed with an equal amount of jojoba oil. Then add a little rice flour to the mixture so that the mixture acquires the consistency of cream. Apply for twenty minutes.


Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder until you obtain flour. Prepare an infusion of dried calendula flowers by brewing two tablespoons of the raw material with 200 ml of water. Dilute two tablespoons of flour with a strained warm solution so that you get a mass that has the consistency of sour cream. Add a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice and the same amount of jojoba oil to the mixture.


Apply the mixture for half an hour.

With white clay

This composition is ideal for aging skin prone to oily skin. Dilute two tablespoons of cosmetic clay with mineral water or sage decoction. Mix the resulting mass with 5 ml of heated jojoba oil and five drops of a solution of vitamin E in oil. Apply for twenty minutes.

For eyelid skin

You can prepare several effective masks for the skin of the eyelids:

  1. To remove bags. Boil a small potato in its jacket, peel and mash. Add 5 ml of jojoba oil to warm mashed potatoes. Apply to the area under the eyes for a quarter of an hour.
  2. To tighten the skin of the eyelids. Mix three types of oils in equal volumes: castor, burdock and jojoba. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle. Apply a thin layer to the skin of the lower and upper eyelids every evening. After half an hour, remove excess.
  3. To eliminate dark circles. You will need fresh parsley, which you need to chop very finely and grind or simply beat in a blender. Mix equal amounts of green puree and jojoba oil. Place the prepared mixture on gauze pads and apply to the lower eyelids for twenty minutes.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists confirm that oil Jojoba is one of the best products to fight wrinkles at home. If you use the oil regularly, you can delay the appearance of signs of aging by at least 15 years.

The oil is versatile; it can be recommended for use even by those with oily skin, since it does not clog pores and does not stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Women's opinion

Women who have started using jojoba oil for rejuvenation leave good reviews about the product.

Jojoba oil is a product that is always in my makeup bag. Without it, I can no longer imagine complete skin care. Using this product, I got rid of the emerging crow's feet and dark circles under my eyes. I advise everyone to try using this oil!

I have always taken good care of my skin, but age is age. Signs of ptosis and wrinkles appeared. Jojoba oil is an excellent remedy for combating skin aging, I have seen this from my own experience. The upper eyelids have noticeably tightened, and there are fewer wrinkles. So now I will use this product regularly.


Any natural oils are very beneficial for the skin.

They are an inexhaustible source of nutrients for dermal cells.

Jojoba oil is widely used in cosmetology.

And not only for the production of factory-made cosmetics, but at home.

Using it, you can get excellent results and get rid of wrinkles in a short time.

Beneficial features

The main beneficial properties of this product are the following:

  1. Hydration. Saturates the epidermal cells with moisture due to the presence of eicoseic acid in its composition.
  2. Protection. Creates a thin lipid layer on the skin that protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment.
  3. Mitigation. After use, the skin becomes silky and elastic.
  4. Nutrition. Enriching the skin with vitamins, minerals and essential microelements.
  5. Antioxidant property. You can significantly delay the natural aging of the skin, since it contains high quality vitamin C.
  6. Stimulation. Acceleration of intracellular metabolism.
  7. Regeneration. With regular use, the process of skin cell renewal is significantly accelerated.
  8. Smoothing. Since the oil eliminates free radicals due to the presence of vitamin E in it, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep wrinkles become less pronounced.
  9. Cleansing. Actively removes toxins and other impurities from the skin.
  10. Calming effect. The light structure of the oil allows the product to be used on oily and inflammatory skin.
  11. Antifungal effect. Quite successfully eliminates a large number of different fungal organisms that may be present on the skin.
  12. Bactericidal effect. Has a disinfecting effect.
  13. Normalization of balance. Helps stabilize the skin's fat balance.
  14. Natural antiseptic.

The product is not prohibited for children and allergy sufferers, as it is hypoallergenic.


Does it help with wrinkles on the face?

Jojoba oil is really very effective in fighting wrinkles. When used, skin tone increases and the aging process slows down. Just a few drops can restore sagging skin to its elasticity and youth.

This effect is explained by the composition. The skin receives the necessary nutrition and hydration, due to which fine wrinkles disappear completely, and deep ones become less noticeable.

In addition, this product can be safely used around the eyes.. Due to the anatomical features in this area, the skin is more delicate and sensitive, but jojoba oil will not only not harm it, but will also have a positive effect.

The oil should not be kept in the area around the eyes for longer than 15 minutes.

Active substances and principle of action

Jojoba oil contains the following components::

  1. Fatty acid – palmitic, stearic, oleic, docozenic and others. They perfectly moisturize the skin and also protect it from the negative effects of low temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Eicoseic acid – is responsible for rapid tissue regeneration, it is thanks to it that damaged cellular structures are restored, firmness, radiance and elasticity are restored to the skin.
  3. Alcohols – tetracozein, docosahexaenoic, eicozein. They have a positive effect on the functionality of blood vessels and accelerate subcutaneous blood circulation. Thanks to this, the cells are more actively saturated with nutrients and oxygen.
  4. Collagen - This is essentially a building material that helps eicozeic acid renew the skin and fight wrinkles. Collagen also improves skin color and eliminates dark circles.
  5. Tocopherol is a substance that, in combination with other components of jojoba oil, enhances the rejuvenating effect.


Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, like any other product, jojoba oil has advantages and disadvantages, which you should definitely know about before you start using it.


  1. Long shelf life, which is explained by its resistance to oxidative processes.
  2. It does not clog skin pores and does not allow the formation of closed and open comedones, so it can be used for facial massage.
  3. There is no specific smell.
  4. You can heat it up to a temperature of 30 degrees, while all the beneficial substances are preserved.
  5. Instantly absorbed into the skin.
  6. No GMOs or pesticides.
  7. Lack of shine after application to the face.


  1. The plant from which the oil is obtained grows exclusively in hot countries, so the cost of the product includes its transportation.
  2. It must be used in a strictly specified dosage - if more than 6 drops are applied to the skin at a time, the skin will shine.
  3. Despite its naturalness and hypoallergenicity, in some cases the oil can still provoke an allergic reaction, so before use you should definitely consult a specialist and conduct an individual sensitivity test.


Indications for use

According to cosmetologists, jojoba oil is “smart” - it “recognizes” the problem and eliminates it, so the list of its uses is very wide.

The main indications for use are:

  1. dry skin and lips;
  2. inflammation and redness;
  3. acne and boils;
  4. dermatitis, eczema;
  5. increased sensitivity of the skin;
  6. deep and fine wrinkles;
  7. loss of elasticity and other age-related changes;
  8. excessive oily skin;
  9. insufficient eyelash growth.

What effect can you expect (before and after photos)

Jojoba oil is not in vain considered the number 1 product in facial skin care.

Regular use for aging skin will promote noticeable rejuvenation, tightening, reducing the depth of wrinkles, cleansing and giving the skin a youthful, healthy and natural glow.




Application rules

To get the most benefits from jojoba oil, it must be used correctly.:

Skin type Usage
Basic Rules Before application, be sure to test for individual sensitivity.

Apply the product only to a clean and well-dried face.

It is advisable to use in combination with other oils or cosmetic products.

It is not recommended to mix with sandalwood and rose oil.

Store in a cool and dark place at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees - freezing the oil is detrimental to its beneficial properties.

Oily skin It is best to mix jojoba oil with cucumber, lemon juice, and avocado juice. It is also recommended to add honey to the composition. Dry skin In this case, nutritious ingredients are more suitable - eggs, milk, cottage cheese. Combination skin You can choose various ingredients - from cosmetic clay to fruit purees, as long as they match your skin type.

It is very important to monitor the exposure time of a mask based on jojoba oil - washing your face too quickly will not lead to the desired effect, but overexposure will not bring any benefit.

Tips for use

To quickly and effectively get rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before use, be sure to remove decorative cosmetics, wash your face thoroughly and pat dry with a towel;
  2. should be mixed with other ingredients only immediately before use;
  3. It is better to apply the product with a cotton swab, carefully treating problem areas;
  4. while using the mask, it is recommended to relax your face and rest;
  5. the mask should be washed off with warm running water;
  6. can be applied under the eyes for no more than 15 minutes;
  7. Be sure to alternate the course of wrinkle treatment with breaks.


How to use it pure

Jojoba oil has a basic structure and can be used both in pure form and in mixtures.

When using the oil in its pure form, remember that it is quite thick, and only a few drops are enough to treat your face..

The oil in its pure form should be used with caution, especially for sensitive skin and the area around the eyes.

Terms of use:

  1. If used to treat a pimple or wrinkle, a targeted application of the product is necessary.
  2. If used on the entire face, apply it with light pats with fingertips,
  3. Pure oil should not be used on sensitive skin more than once a week.
  4. If a negative skin reaction occurs, use of undiluted oil should be stopped immediately.

If there is a need for daily use, it is best to dilute it in a 1:2 ratio with almond, apricot or peach oils.

How to prepare masks?

There are many masks using jojoba oil. The most effective of them will be described below.



  1. Description. This mask smoothes out even very deep wrinkles and also gives the face a velvety feel.
  2. Preparation. You will need jojoba and grape seed oil in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each). The product mixes well.
  3. Application. The mask is applied to clean and well-steamed skin. Leave for 20 minutes. Removable with a cotton swab. If your skin is dry, you can do this mask at night and leave it on until the morning.
  4. Result. Tight, smooth skin without signs of aging.


  1. Description. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. Preparation. Mix 1 teaspoon of jojoba with 2 teaspoons of apricot or dog oil.
  3. Usage. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Result. Elimination of fine wrinkles and crow's feet, visibly reducing deep folds.


With retinol

  1. Description. An indispensable mask for improving the condition of aging skin.
  2. Preparation. You will need 8 drops of jojoba, 1 yolk, 16 grams of cottage cheese, 1 ampoule of retinol. Mix everything well.
  3. Usage. Apply the mask to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Remove with a sponge, then wash with warm water.
  4. Result. Rapid regeneration of skin cells, restoration of youth, fight against wrinkles.

For dry skin

  1. Description. Suitable for dry aging skin.
  2. Preparation. You will need 6 drops of jojoba, 12 grams of yogurt and 1 banana. Grind the banana into a puree, add butter and unsweetened yogurt.
  3. Usage. Apply to clean skin for 40 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad.
  4. Result. Well-hydrated skin, smooth, elastic, velvety.


For oily skin

  1. Description. Tightens pores, eliminates oily shine, and prevents acne.
  2. Preparation. 7 drops of jojoba oil must be mixed with a pre-crushed white charcoal tablet and 15 ml of milk.
  3. Usage. Steam cleansed skin and apply the mask in circular motions. Leave for 8 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply antiseptic gel.

With avocado and oats

  1. Description. An excellent mask for restoring the level of vitamins, macro and microelements.
  2. Preparation. Mix 7 drops of jojoba oil with mashed avocado, add 10 grams of oat bran.
  3. Usage. Distribute the mask over the entire surface of the cleansed face, with the exception of the eyelids. Leave for half an hour, then rinse off the mask with mineral water, pat dry with a paper towel and apply moisturizing gel.

Creams with jojoba oil

Creams are also very effective against wrinkles. The recipes will be described below.

For dry skin

  1. Description. Moisturizing and reducing age wrinkles.
  2. Preparation. You will need any nourishing and rich face cream. For the amount of cream used for a single application on the face, add 2 drops of pure jojoba oil. Mix well.
  3. Usage. Use your fingertips to evenly distribute the cream over your face, including the eyelid area. Leave for 15 minutes. Then blot off the remaining cream with a dry cloth.
  4. Result. Smooth and beautiful skin without wrinkles and other age-related changes.


Honey cream with different oils

  1. Description. An excellent product for caring for aging and tired skin.
  2. Preparation. You will need 3 drops each of chamomile and patchouli oil, 15 ml of jojoba oil, 4 drops of rose oil and 15 grams of liquid honey. Mix everything well.
  3. Usage. Apply the cream to cleansed skin at night, remove excess after 30 minutes. After a month's course you need to take a week's break.
  4. Result. Fresh, clean, beautiful skin.

Lip cream

  1. Description. Softens and nourishes lips, heals microcracks.
  2. Preparation. You will need a teaspoon of cosmetic wax, 1.5 teaspoons of cocoa butter, 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil. Melt the wax in a water bath, then add oils to it. Pour into a small container and put in the refrigerator.
  3. Usage. Lubricate your lips twice a day; you don’t have to take breaks during the course.
  4. Result. Beautiful young lips – soft and elastic.


Recipe for the most effective mask against wrinkles around the eyes

To get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, you can lubricate your eyelids with a thin layer of pure oil, or mix jojoba oil with solutions of retinol or tocopherol (vitamin A and E).

A mixture of jojoba oil and rich sour cream will help with bags under the eyes, and for dark circles you will need to mix a tablespoon of oil with a tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs.

Do not forget that the mask under the eyes is applied for no more than 15 minutes.

Possible contraindications

The only contraindication for using jojoba oil for wrinkles is individual intolerance.