Jojoba oil under the eyes reviews

Learn to use jojoba cosmetic oil at home for the skin around the eyes: it will get rid of wrinkles of any origin, crow’s feet, and will not allow your eyelids to sag. Make masks based on it - and you will no longer remember any dark circles, swelling and bags under your eyes.

Simmondsia chinensis - an evergreen shrub native to North American deserts. Modern cosmetology actively uses its fruits to produce very useful oils - essential and cosmetic.

This jojoba is a very unusual product in its properties that successfully copes with various cosmetological and dermatological problems. It can be found in various creams, serums and gels for skin care in the eye area, as it perfectly moisturizes and eliminates wrinkles.

If you regularly and correctly use jojoba oil around the eyes, you can forget about such troubles as crow's feet, dark circles, bags, redness, ptosis (sagging eyelids). This all becomes possible thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of this product.

Benefits of jojoba for the skin around the eyes

The beneficial properties of cosmetic jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes are due to the action of substances that appear in its chemical composition. Its value and uniqueness for cosmetology lie in the fact that, in addition to a large number of vitamins and mineral elements, phytoncides and amino acids, fatty and organic acids (almost all cosmetic oils are rich in them), this product contains a rare acid - eicosenoic acid, which belongs to the fatty acids. .

It is thanks to this that jojoba has such a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes, which is different from the results of using other cosmetic oils in this area of ​​the face. Each of its components, penetrating the skin, actively works at the cellular level.

  1. Numerous fatty acid (the same eicosene, docosene, oleic, gadoleic, erucic, docosahexoenoic, nervonic, stearic, palmitoleic, palmitic, behenic) perfectly moisturize the unprotected, weak, delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes, which is constantly lacking moisture, intensively protect it from scorching ultraviolet rays and the corrosive effect of sea salt at resorts in summer, in winter - from very low temperatures, as well as other harmful, aggressive external factors that the skin of this area of ​​the face has to deal with daily.
  2. Unique and so rare eicosenoic acid containing jojoba, it is a recognized champion in cosmetology for restoration and tissue regeneration. It effectively and quickly renews cells that have spent their lives, promotes the regeneration of damaged, injured tissues, and returns the skin around the eyes to its former radiance, elasticity and firmness.
  3. Some alcohols Jojoba oil (eicosene, tetracosene, docosahexoene) is also a very unusual component, which, for example, is not found in other cosmetic oils. Because of them, there is no need to be afraid to use jojoba to improve the skin of the eyelids, because in this case they are softened by the action of the above fatty acids and have a great effect on the functioning of blood vessels, as they accelerate subcutaneous blood circulation. This provides the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen and other nutrients.
  4. Present in jojoba oil collagen The skin around the eyes is simply necessary as the main building material that helps eicosenoic acid renew cells, smooth out wrinkles, improve skin color, and cope with dark circles and bags.
  5. Tocopherol Jojoba contains most of all, it is in close tandem with numerous and no less useful amino acids enhances the rejuvenating effect of the product on the skin around the eyes.

From the point of view of chemical composition, jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes is considered unique in cosmetology, very valuable healing vegetable wax, rich in various fatty and organic acids, esters and tannins, a large number of other useful components, each of which, actively performing specific functions at the cellular level, cares in its own way for the sensitive and delicate skin around the eyes.

To experience all the beauty of its action, learn how to use it correctly at home.

Tips for using jojoba for the skin around the eyes

What you need to know about using jojoba at home around the eyes? There are a number of nuances that will enhance the effectiveness of this unusual, natural and very valuable cosmetic product. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, jojoba will not disappoint you and will become one of your favorite products for caring for this sensitive area of ​​the face.

  1. Firstly, it is recommended to use it in a number of specific cases. Indications: ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid), crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, dark circles, bruises and bags under the eyes, redness of the mucous membrane, slow eyelash growth, wrinkles in this area.
  2. Secondly, one should distinguish between cosmetic and essential jojoba oil: they differ in the concentration of the biologically active substances mentioned above. Remember that ether is a very concentrated product that is best not used to care for the skin around the eyes. It is better to use a cosmetic product during this procedure so as not to get a thermal burn and not to further irritate the mucous membrane of the eye.
  3. Before using jojoba on the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to lightly heat in a water bath until warm (approximately 40–50°C). This way it will be absorbed better and deeper.
  4. Jojoba is truly one of the most versatile skin care oils. Cosmetologists call it “smart” since it is able to independently recognize how to act on the skin in a given situation: smooth out wrinkles or whiten dark circles under the eyes, tighten the upper eyelids or eliminate swelling and bags, hide the redness of the eyes or gradually get rid of crow’s feet, moisturize or cure skin. In any case, the rejuvenating, lifting effect of jojoba on the skin around the eyes is guaranteed.
  5. There is also a contraindication for the active use of jojoba at home. It’s good that there is only one thing - this individual intolerance its components. It is observed extremely rarely, but in order to avoid troubles and side effects in the form of swelling in the eyes, it is still worth checking jojoba for the sake of personal safety and the preservation of external beauty and health and how it will affect your skin. Apply a thin layer of the product to your wrist, rinse off after 10 minutes and observe the reaction for 2-3 hours (longer if possible). The absence of unpleasant sensations is permission to safely use jojoba.
  6. This oil can be used to lubricate the skin of the eyelids in its pure form, but homemade cosmetic masks based on it are more effective. Additional ingredients (other oils, herbs, vitamins and regular foods) enhance its effectiveness.
  7. Masks with jojoba oil should be applied to absolutely clean skin of the eyelids, from which all remnants of decorative cosmetics have previously been removed.
  8. Do not take a lot of oil to prepare masks. It should lie on the skin in an even layer and flow off. Otherwise, you will be guaranteed severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  9. Considering the fact that the skin around the eyes is very sensitive and does not have a fat layer as protection, you should not overexpose jojoba masks on this area of ​​the face. Their duration limit to 10-15 minutes. This will be quite enough to activate cellular processes.
  10. If you have set yourself a specific goal - to use jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes, that is, to actively use its anti-aging and lifting properties, the frequency of procedures will depend on the age and degree of depth of wrinkles. Jojoba masks for the skin around the eyes can be done 2 times a week, if they are used for intensive rejuvenation. If this is only a preventive remedy for you, it will be effective even if used once every 7-10 days.
  11. Jojoba oil has a rather greasy consistency, so some people have difficulty removing its residue from the face. To make the procedure as comfortable as possible, it is recommended to first wipe the eyelids with a dry cotton swab, and only then with a cotton swab soaked in warm milk. It is not recommended to wash your face with water after such procedures, otherwise a film will form on your eyelids that is really difficult to remove.
  12. After this, you can lubricate the skin around the eyes with a cream or gel that you use regularly.
  13. A course of eyelid skin rejuvenation with jojoba oil - 10-15 masks. After this, it is recommended to take a break of 2-3 weeks, after which the procedures can be repeated.

Now you know how to use jojoba oil around your eyes for maximum benefits. Follow these recommendations and be especially careful when choosing a recipe. Remember that this area of ​​the face is very sensitive and delicate. All components should be familiar to you. They should not cause any allergies or irritations. Be competent cosmetologists - and then jojoba oil will make your eyes radiant - without wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Masks with jojoba for the skin around the eyes: recipes

Jojoba oil is good to use for cosmetic purposes because it can be combined with almost any other component. These can be vegetable and cosmetic oils, food, herbs and pharmacy vitamins. Each of them emphasizes one or another property of jojoba.

Usually, recipes indicate what problem a particular mask combats, so study them more carefully. If you use an anti-wrinkle product to get rid of dark circles under your eyes, you are unlikely to achieve your goal.

Apply a thin layer of jojoba oil to your upper and lower eyelids every two days.

Mix jojoba and an oil solution of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). For 1 tablespoon of base oil - 2 drops of vitamins.

Warm mashed potatoes (a tablespoon) are mixed with a small amount of jojoba (a teaspoon).

Strongly brewed green tea is mixed in equal proportions with jojoba.

  1. Firming (lifting) mask

Mix a tablespoon of jojoba with burdock and castor oil (1 teaspoon each).

Mix jojoba (1 tablespoon) with chopped fresh herbs (1 tablespoon each).

  1. For bags under the eyes

Mix jojoba and thick sour cream in equal quantities.

Mix jojoba and cream (the fattest you can find) - also in equal quantities.

Dilute jojoba (a tablespoon) in an infusion of calendula or chamomile (2 tablespoons). Mix thoroughly, add 2-3 drops of aloe juice.

Mix jojoba and honey (in equal quantities), add 2 drops of tocopherol (vitamin E).

If you have any problems with the skin around your eyes, be sure to use our tips and recipes using exotic, unique jojoba oil, amazing in its cosmetic properties. When used correctly, they will become your favorite eye care product. No wrinkles or crow's feet, no blue circles or bags under the eyes - nothing will upset you with such a natural and effective cosmetologist assistant as jojoba oil.

Most movie lovers remember how the wonderful French crime comedy “The Pink Panther” was released at the beginning of the 21st century. In one of the episodes of the film, the two main characters were desperately arguing about how to correctly pronounce this melodic word “jojoba” while reading the instructions for hair shampoo.

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax

No matter how correctly the name of the wax from the nuts of the North American bush is pronounced, the use of jojoba oil for wrinkles, stretch marks and brittle hair today will not surprise anyone. What is the popularity of this universal cosmetic product?

Use of Symondsia fruit oil

Jojoba oil helps fight wrinkles

It is unknown who first discovered the unique properties of the fruits of the unattractive North American shrub. Rumor has it that bottles of unspoiled oil were found by scientists during excavations in Egypt. But be that as it may, jojoba oil has found wide use in modern cosmetology.

It is perfect for any skin type and can be used in its pure form, which is not typical for all essential oils due to their high concentration. It is added to body and hair care products.

Jojoba is an indispensable component of anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging serums and care products.

Features of jojoba oil

Keeps beneficial properties for a very long time

  1. One of the main features is its hypoallergenicity. Therefore, this is the only essential oil that is widely used in the production of cosmetics for the care of the delicate and sensitive skin of newborns.
  2. The second feature is its composition, which includes proteins that resemble collagen in their structural structure. And as you know, collagen is one of the main elements responsible for maintaining the elasticity and youth of the skin.
  3. The third distinctive feature of Symondsia bush nut oil can be considered its excellent oxidation resistance. Therefore, it does not deteriorate for a long time, and when added to any cosmetic product, it can preserve its beneficial caring properties for a longer period.
  4. In addition, it has no contraindications for use. It can be successfully used by pregnant and lactating women.

Why and where is jojoba oil used?

Used for massage

Regular use of jojoba extract makes hair manageable, silky and strong, regardless of its type. At the same time, unlike other waxes and oils, after jojoba there is no greasy shine left on the hair. But the use of jojoba wax is not limited to this. It is widely used in cosmetology:

It is part of complex anti-inflammatory drugs, as it has excellent detoxifying properties and normalizes cellular metabolism. Jojoba oil is actively used for wrinkles around the eyes, where the skin is thinnest and most delicate. It is in this area that the first visible changes occur, the so-called facial wrinkles, which the product corrects well, integrating into the cellular structure.

Jojoba oil is actively used both as an independent remedy and in various combinations of massage oils.

Regular massage treatments help get rid of the appearance of cellulite, eliminate dry skin, and remove accumulated toxins and poisons. Due to its mild effect and high penetrating ability, the substance can be used after intense sun exposure, to moisturize the skin after the pool and shower. It is for this reason that jojoba oil is effectively used in baths for hands, elbows and feet. It will intensively moisturize and soften rough skin, reduce the appearance of dryness and flaking.

Use at home

If the dose is increased, jojoba oil will not cause irritation.

As reviews indicate, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics based on jojoba extract in order to cope with this or that problem. You can prepare equally effective and efficient remedies yourself at home.

Moreover, one of the main advantages of jojoba oil is that you do not need to calculate the exact concentration and ratio with it. Even if the dose is slightly missed or exceeded, this will not cause any negative consequences.

Recipes for biologically active remedies for wrinkles around the eyes based on jojoba

Can be added to face masks

In order to prepare a nutritious mixture, you need to add one drop of essential rose extract or lavender extract to 5-7 drops of jojoba oil. A mixture of equal parts of grape seed oil and jojoba will also help effectively fight wrinkles in the eye area.

To eliminate more pronounced wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, you need to use jojoba and almond oils in equal proportions, added to one teaspoon of regular natural yogurt. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with water.

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Vita 02/13/2015 15:28

What recently began to happen to the skin of the face and hands required some immediate action. The skin became like sandpaper, and grooves appeared on the tips of the fingers. At first I resorted to olive oil and regular hand creams, but there was no effectiveness. A friend advised adding jojoba oil to it and not just lubricating the skin, but rubbing this mixture. It helped! Now I advise everyone: use it if you don’t want to have prematurely aged skin.

Vita 02/13/2015 15:22

I don’t often take a vacation dedicated to cosmetic procedures, and I have enough other things to worry about. But what began to happen to the skin of the face and hands recently required some immediate action. The skin became like sandpaper, and grooves appeared on the tips of the fingers. At first I resorted to olive oil and regular hand creams, but there was no effectiveness. A friend advised adding jojoba oil to olive oil and not just lubricating the skin, but rubbing this mixture. It helped! Now I advise everyone: use jojoba oil if you do not want to have prematurely aged skin.

Nadezhda 12/25/2014 23:40

I want to share one secret, I recently started using jojoba oil. For those who do not know about its benefits, I want to say that it contains a lot of vitamin E, which is very useful. I also apply it to my hair and scalp, thanks to which it has emollient, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects. It can also be used when various peeling or redness is observed. It penetrates the pores and at the same time takes good care of the inflammatory process. If you have never used this oil before, try it and within a short time you will notice the results.

Maryana 12/25/2014 16:37

Jojoba oil is ideal for me, especially for the skin of the eyelids. I have a habit of squinting, so I have had small wrinkles around my eyes since I was 20 years old. Lifting creams do not smooth out for long, but after using it I notice a longer lasting effect. I apply a drop of pure jojoba oil or mixed with castor oil, and in the morning the skin of the eyelids is smoother, more elastic and remains that way for more than a day. I also like that it eliminates puffiness and even dark circles from lack of sleep. I also do a full face massage with jojoba oil and aloe juice.

Alexia 12/24/2014 21:58

I support Elena, jojoba essential oil is truly a unique product - an ideal product for sensitive skin prone to dryness and rosacea, which is exactly the type of skin I have. I always find it difficult to choose ready-made cosmetics, but with this product there are no problems. For the skin around the eyes I use it in a mixture with almond oil, and sometimes I apply a mixture of avocado oil and jojoba oil to the entire face - this is an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles. It is also useful to rub it into the cuticle - the manicure will always be perfect.)

Elena 12/23/2014 16:39

Wonderful oil, natural, with excellent effect. I prefer to make different creams and mixtures of oils myself. I often add it in various proportions, it perfectly softens and smoothes the skin. I really like the results. One day my daughter’s lips were very chapped, nothing helped, no balms, I decided to apply jojoba oil at night, in the morning the skin was almost perfect. After the second use, everything went away completely. I recommend it to anyone who loves safe and natural ingredients.

Elizabeth 12/22/2014 18:09

I have a whole collection of different oils at home. Jojoba oil is one of our favorites because it is truly versatile. I especially like to use it in the winter, it provides good help when the skin of the lips begins to become chapped and cracked, and also helps the dry ends of the hair to recover (I apply the oil 20 minutes before washing). It can also perfectly moisturize the skin of the body, sometimes I even use it instead of lotion, I want to say that the result the oil gives is excellent, sometimes even superior to advertised products.

Tatyana 12/20/2014 17:22

Jojoba oil is one of my favorite carrier oils. I use it both in its pure form and as part of masks and scrubs, both for the face and body. In its pure form, I apply it at night in a thin layer with patting movements on the skin around the eyes. I am 36 years old, and expression lines are already quite noticeable, and creams and gels, even the most expensive ones, do not sufficiently nourish and moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes, so I entrusted my personal care to jojoba oil.

Valentine 12/20/2014 16:35

I really like the effect of jojoba oil in facial skin care. Of course, I don’t have deep wrinkles yet, but nevertheless, I use this wonderful oil as part of homemade face masks, and the effect always pleases me. Firstly, it contains a lot of vitamins and amino acids, which, a priori, is great for any skin (both young and not so young), and secondly, vitamin E perfectly restores the balance of skin moisture. Well, the most important thing is that it miraculously relieves inflammation from my problem skin, that is, I am no longer afraid of any pimples.

There was a topic where girls wrote that wrinkles under the eyes respond well to oils. I don’t know the oils themselves, can you tell me? I began to notice a fine mesh under my eyes, not facial expressions. It's in the very beginning stages, but I see it. experts

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If in the initial stages, creams from Clinics personally help me. There was a wrinkle under my eyes that infuriated me. I started applying it regularly and it went away!

I read on the Internet that castor oil is very helpful for wrinkles around the eyes. Also, castor oil is used to make scalp masks to strengthen hair. Castor oil is sold at any pharmacy in small bottles; just wet the pad of your finger with the oil and gently massage the skin around your eyes.

I heard it's peach!
But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion!
And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

Well, screw it. Author, the skin around the eyes is so thin, what if some kind of allergy pops up? and oil can get into the eye.. It’s better to use ophthalmologist-tested creams.

I use almond and peach, they are not heavy. Creams didn’t help, oils help.

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

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Jojoba oil diluted with whichever thread is lighter, I smeared it and didn’t feel any heaviness
Sometimes I washed it off with some water after a while just so it wouldn’t be too hard! But it’s better not to do it at night! Only during the day

I don’t recommend applying oil in its pure form, add it to the cream

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

I use cream, maybe that’s why it only appeared when I was 36.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.

Jojoba oil, I regularly use it in the morning and before bed as a cream around the eyes, I have noticed improvements. I also have longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows, I also lubricate them with pure jojoba oil, so when I just anoint them, one wrinkle disappears right before my eyes, although I diligently apply, in the sense of, massage movements on these between the eyebrows wrinkles.
In its purest form?

I heard it's peach! But the oils are heavy - I wouldn’t risk them under my eyes! It’s better to choose a light cream (special for the eyes) or the same emulsion! And castor oil is generally thick - except for hair, eyebrows and eyelashes!

vitamin E, olive oil (you can also mix it with Fennel EO)

In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.

AuthorGuest In its pure form? Yes, in its pure form. Then I just apply the night cream all over my face as usual.
And I used jojoba oil at night and removed the remnants of mascara with it (after rinsing it off). I had good, well-groomed skin. Then the oil ran out.

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

under the eyes - only cream. Otherwise, you will get a scattering of milliums (small white lumps in the eye area). The skin around the eyes needs hydration first and foremost. And the oils are dried. Any oils. I speak as a person who has been using natural cosmetics for a long time. At first you will see the effect - smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and then - on the contrary, the skin will become thin, dry, wrinkles will be more pronounced. Oils thin the skin, both in mixtures, and especially in their pure form. Grape seed oil was mentioned here as very light. Yes. The mlso is lightweight, with high penetrating power, but it simply INSTANTLY dries out the skin around the eyes. If you do not have information on natural cosmetics, find a base cream from a company that deals with natural cosmetics. The same Karl Hadek. And add to this cream the oils that you like (preferably essential oils, not base oils). The dose of essential mase is no more than 1%. Those. For 50 ml cream you need to use no more than 10 drops of active ingredients

Tailed Masha, they start with oils and take care of the problems to the fullest. I, just like someone who screwed up in my time, want to warn against some of the most common problems. I rushed from one extreme (almost complete lack of skin care) to the other - hyper-care. True. as always, somewhere in the middle. The main thing is regularity. And then even with the most factory-made cream you will see the effect. What do natural cosmetics provide? Lack of preservatives (on an industrial scale, because even homemade cream needs to be preserved) and parabens. You absolutely cannot expect a super effect. Anything that gives quick results harms the skin. This must be remembered like the ABC. It took me the first year just to figure out MY base oils and assets. As for the “difficulties” of making creams. This is very interesting! This is a hobby. This can become your serious hobby for life. Is this bad? Moreover, excellent high-tech emulsifiers are now being sold, which are very easy to manufacture.
There is a well-known aromarti forum; beginners can go there and take notes, take notes, study the experience and valuable (I would even say the most valuable) advice from experienced forum members.

24, natural cosmetics give, first of all, knowledge of what is in the cream (and any other care product). Based on this knowledge, you can judge the effectiveness, and most importantly, the negative impact on your skin. after all, the same components can behave differently on different skins.
regarding the difficulty of making: not everyone is ready to do this all the time, not everyone is interested and excited about it - and if you do all this without pleasure, then nothing will work out. and one more thing: the average woman is unlikely to want to understand the theory in order to understand the essence of cream making, understand oils and their effects, choose specific ones for her skin - this takes time, all this is learned by trial and error, and most people want just the one mentioned You have an instant effect - you put it on and you’re immediately a beauty. It’s sad.
and advertising is a big deal - “a cream with a lifting effect (or disappearance of acne - who cares) in 2 weeks” - for some reason they still believe it! read the composition - and there is nothing useful, the assets are scanty, mainly components that give a pleasant, beloved texture of the cream, which give an effect only during application. I will not scold all industrial cosmetics, I believe that if someone is not interested in making creams on their own, then it is better to use ready-made ones, because without interest, passion, patience and the desire to learn, nothing good will come of it, you can only do harm.