Jojoba oil benefits for skin


A huge number of the fair sex are slowly beginning to abandon unnatural cosmetics, which are not always beneficial for us, and besides, the price of such products is affordable. But girls want to look their best, so what to do? We know the solution to this problem - use jojoba essential oil. This product is used to care for the skin of the face, hands, and hair.

Beneficial properties and effects on the skin


Scientists refer to this oil as liquid wax, but since there is such a name, we will stick to it. This very useful product is obtained from the evergreen shrub Simmondsia chinensis, which grows in hot, arid climates where water is in short supply.

Jojoba nuts are harvested by hand. The resulting fruits are cold pressed and a yellow mixture is obtained, without a specific odor, which has an anti-inflammatory, healing effect. In addition, the oil has a long shelf life due to its resistance to oxidation.

How does jojoba essential oil affect our body:

  1. Jojoba oil nourishes dry skin, moisturizes, penetrates even into the deep layers of the epidermis, which protects it from further peeling;
  2. The oil contains amino acids similar in composition to collagen, a protein produced by humans, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, so the product perfectly smooths out wrinkles;
  3. effectively fights various skin diseases;
  4. various types of acne are afraid of this product, the oil treats various rashes on the body;
  5. this product can be used in the eye area, it will moisturize delicate skin and smooth out small wrinkles;
  6. It is recommended to use vegetable wax after visiting saunas and sunbathing; thanks to jojoba oil, the skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration;
  7. in winter, lips are exposed to the negative effects of sunlight, frost, and wind. This natural remedy will help relieve redness and peeling;
  8. Jojoba wax actively regenerates hair. By applying the oil to the hair, an invisible film is created that envelops each hair, without creating a “greenhouse effect” (allows air to pass through), without weighing down the hair. Thanks to this, the hair restores the damaged structure, grows faster, feels smooth and silky to the touch;
  9. essential oil perfectly smoothes stretch marks, giving elasticity to the skin of the body;
  10. This product strengthens the nail plate and helps restore split nails;
  11. The product helps perfectly after shaving, restoring the skin structure and healing minor injuries.

Indications and contraindications


Indications for use:

  1. excessive dryness of the skin;
  2. caring for baby's delicate skin;
  3. elimination of stretch marks after childbirth in women;
  4. elimination of wrinkles, prevention of new ones;
  5. treatment of scars, burns, skin dermatitis;
  6. care for brittle hair, eyelashes, nails.

Jojoba oil has no contraindications, It can be used even by pregnant women, the only caveat is individual intolerance, the development of an allergic reaction.

Jojoba essential oil is a base oil - this product can be used without additives and diluted with other essential oils that cannot be used independently.

This product is almost unique in its structure and properties; it is suitable for any type of skin and hair, without leaving behind an oily sheen. Ladies of all ages can also use jojoba cosmetic oil. The oil can be added to various creams, shampoos, lotions, shower gels, thus increasing the positive properties of the product and extending their shelf life.


On our website you can find instructions for using Retinoic ointment for acne and acne.

Effective methods of treating and removing spider veins on the face are written on this page.

Use in facial care and mask recipes

The consistency of the oil is viscous, so in its pure form it is used only on problem areas (in areas of accumulation of blackheads, acne or severe peeling); in other cases, various components are added.

Let us remind you that before each use it is necessary to cleanse your face of cosmetics and impurities. It is advisable to combine such procedures with proper nutrition and exercise; if the causes of skin defects lie within the body, then the disease should be cured immediately.


Effective masks with jojoba oil for facial skin:

  1. against wrinkles. Mix 30 ml of base foundation with the same amount of avocado oil, mix the consistency, apply to the skin for at least 20 minutes, after the time has elapsed, remove the residue with a cotton swab. For good results, carry out the procedure twice every 7–10 days;
  2. We add elasticity to the skin. For 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil, use a couple of drops of chamomile, patchouli and sandalwood esters, apply the resulting mixture to the epidermis, wait about 25 minutes, remove the residue carefully with massage movements;
  3. another way to eliminate wrinkles. Add 1 spoon of base oil + 1 small spoon of honey to a fresh egg yolk, you can add 3 ml of lemon juice. Distribute the finished mixture evenly over problem areas of the face, keep for about 15 minutes, if you did not add lemon, then increase the time to 20 minutes;
  4. rejuvenate the eyelids. Caring for such delicate skin requires mandatory dilution of jojoba ester with other oils (for example, rosehip), in a ratio of 1:2. Apply the product onto your eyelids using patting movements, leave for 10 minutes, remove excess with a cotton swab. You can leave the product on overnight in this way: add jojoba oil (1:3) to your eye cream, and wash your face as usual in the morning;
  5. deep wrinkles. A mask will help eliminate skin defects: jojoba oil + almond ether (1:1), a little pine and fir oil. Rub the resulting mass into the eyelids 1-2 times a day, after a week you will notice the first changes;
  6. remove blackheads and pimples. For such a mixture we need one tablespoon of base oil, 3 drops of tea tree or cedar oil. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared mixture and apply it pointwise to each pimple. It is best to carry out such manipulations at night, but to enhance the effect, apply the product 2-3 times a day;
  7. moisturizing the skin, eliminating peeling. Pursuing this goal, mix 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil and 1 tbsp. l. peach, apricot, orange or lavender oils. Soak a cotton swab in this mixture, apply to damaged areas of skin, do not rinse;
  8. excellent nutrition of the epidermis. Melt a bar of dark chocolate (in a water bath), without any additives, add one tablespoon of wax, apply the finished mask to your face for 20 minutes, after the procedure the skin will become soft, silky, without flaws;
  9. elimination of inflammatory processes. The thick, nourishing base of jojoba ester penetrates deep into the epidermis, softening it, so if you have dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis), then lubricate dry, keratinized areas of the skin with a small amount of base oil. A few days will pass and you will feel relief: the itching will decrease, the redness will subside, and the skin will stop peeling.


How to treat herpes on the lips during pregnancy? Learn effective and safe methods.

How to remove freckles at home? Folk remedies and recipes are described at this address.

Follow the link and read an interesting article about treating skin allergies with folk remedies.

Jojoba essential oil for body skin

Not only the face is susceptible to dryness, so pay attention to procedures that will relieve you of peeling, stretch marks, and minor mechanical damage:

  1. Taking a bath with 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil will help replace spa treatments, the effect will be the same as after applying a rich nourishing cream. The skin especially needs this care in winter;
  2. add base oil to the body cream (1 tablespoon per 50 ml of product), lubricate the skin with the resulting product, and soon you will forget about dry skin.

Other oil recipes

Hair needs care, pay attention to several ways to make your hair silky and shiny:


  1. jojoba oil for hair. 1 day before washing your hair, rub jojoba ether into the roots, massage for 5 minutes, do not rinse, this procedure can be done twice a week;
  2. You can also moisturize your hair after washing. Apply one dessert spoon of jojoba oil + a couple of drops of chamomile ether on your palms, spread this mixture over the entire length of your hair with light movements, then you can style your hair. There is no need to worry about oily hair, this product does not leave visible marks, it only treats damaged hair;
  3. You can also lubricate the comb for combing with a small amount of wax, so every time you adjust your hairstyle, your hair will become stronger;
  4. Lubricate your nails with base oil overnight, then put on cotton gloves and add 3-4 ml of rose or sea buckthorn oil to this mixture;
  5. Jojoba ester with the addition of a small amount of orange essential oil will help moisturize your lips. Rub this mixture into your sponges overnight, do not rinse. You can use the product an unlimited number of times;
  6. if you are plagued by the problem of hair loss, then add cedar, ginger or pine ether to the oil;
  7. Rubbing jojoba essential oil into the depilation areas will help avoid irritation during shaving; it is better to steam the skin before the procedure;
  8. Also add one dessert spoon of jojoba and a little tea tree oil to the pedicure bath, this way you will disinfect your feet and soften them.

From the following video you can learn even more details about using jojoba oil for the face:

Many exotic plants are sources of unique products that become indispensable in cosmetology. Jojoba oil for the face is one of the most popular remedies for wrinkles, acne and age spots.


Jojoba is an evergreen shrub native to Africa. Its fruits are dense nuts, which, when processed (crushed and pressed), yield dense oil or wax. The consistency of the product resembles shea butter or shea butter; it is noteworthy that the properties of these products are very similar to each other.

Benefits of using jojoba oil on the face:

  1. This wax (as cosmetologists call it because of its dense structure) is saturated with vegetable fats and essential amino acids. They deeply nourish the epidermis, saturating the cells with the necessary fats;
  2. Jojoba contains vitamins E and A, which contribute to intense skin hydration. This helps eliminate peeling and cracks. Due to this property, jojoba is also used to restore hair after dyeing or other chemical exposure;
  3. Thanks to amino acids, this product promotes increased collagen production by the skin. Due to this, the skin renews itself faster, wrinkles are reduced, and age spots become less noticeable.


Reviews from cosmetologists about jojoba bush oil for the face claim that this is practically the best remedy for wrinkles at home. With regular use of this product up to 50 years of age, there will be no urgent need to use professional cosmetic procedures (resurfacing, peeling or lifting).

Using anti-wrinkle oil

Jojoba cosmetic oil is very easy to use: despite its dense texture, it begins to melt under the temperature of the human body. This allows you to reduce the consumption of the product and significantly simplify its use, compared with liquid ethers.

For the skin around the eyes and eyelids It will be enough to apply the jojoba butter with light tapping movements. It is recommended to do this along massage lines: around the eyes, slightly going over the eyelids and under the eyebrows and returning down.

It will be useful instead of night cream also use this ether, because the main processes of regeneration of epidermal cells occur precisely at night. Apply a small amount of jojoba to clean skin and spread it over your face with your fingertips. From the nose you need to move to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the hairline. You don’t just need to rub the oil, you need to drive it into the pores. Don't worry, it's non-comedogenic.


Photo - Applying oil to the face

This product mixes well with many other products, complementing their properties or even enhancing their effect.

Recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with jojoba oil for the face:

  1. Avocado and jojoba oils should be combined in equal quantities and heated in a water bath. Distribute the resulting mixture over problem areas - this will help get rid of small wrinkles. Use as a cream, leave overnight;
  2. Coconut oil and jojoba are ideal for dry, aging skin, because these products can saturate cells with various acids and promote their intensive nutrition and hydration. Take 2 parts of coconut, 1 part of African nut. Please note that these products have different melting points, so you need to heat them carefully - it is very easy to overheat coconut ether, depriving it of its beneficial qualities. Can be applied both morning and evening. Wash off after 40 minutes;
  3. A potato mask with jojoba perfectly tightens the skin. Peel fresh potatoes, grate them on a fine grater and combine with pre-melted wax. For 2 tablespoons of grated root vegetables, take at least 1 tablespoon of oil. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the neck, décolleté and face and left for 30 minutes. The first results will become noticeable after 3 sessions: the epidermis will tighten, fine wrinkles will disappear, and pigmentation will become less noticeable;
  4. Despite the positive properties of grape seed oil for aging skin, it is not recommended to use it together with jojoba. It is quite comedogenic, and due to the high density of the wax, these qualities are only enhanced. Instead of grapes, it is better to take wheat germ ether - they also intensively moisturize and smooth the epidermis, making it look fresh and healthy.

For oily aging skin A mask with kaolin and jojoba is suitable. White clay is mixed in equal proportions with water (preferably mineral or herbal decoction of chamomile, sage). Add half a teaspoon of wax (melted) to the mixture. If desired, you can enrich the product with liquid vitamin E. Apply the mask to the face and neck, leave until completely hardened. Can be repeated every day.


Oil brands

Many anti-aging recipes also include egg yolk. This is another universal component: it has excellent nutritional properties. At the same time, the egg is known for its excellent lifting qualities. You need to beat one egg yolk with half a grated apple, adding 5 grams of melted wax to the mixture. Apply to places where the skin has suffered the greatest age-related changes - this is an “emergency” mask. After just 20 minutes, the epidermis will be much fresher and tighter than before using the product.

Video: recipes for face masks with jojoba oil

Using oil for skin problems

Jojoba essential oil for face is an excellent antioxidant and moisturizer – these properties allow it to be used for a variety of deficiencies. This component can be added to any mask recipes for problematic or dry skin, used as an additive in professional cosmetic products, etc.

For example, if you add almond or peach oil to it, the wax will help moisturize lips and relieve painful cracks on them. The same mixture saves the face from the effects of chapping or sunburn.

How to use jojoba for acne, blackheads and other blemishes:

  1. The easiest way to get rid of small acne is to combine blue Cambrian clay and walnut wax. Mineral powder is mixed with water in equal proportions, then oil is added to the mixture. You can also add rose or rose hip extract, which will help relieve inflammation and soothe the epidermis;
  2. You can mix oatmeal with kefir and leave it to brew for 20 minutes. The ratio of components should be 2:1:0.5 (kefir, flakes, jojoba). Apply to all problem areas and leave for at least half an hour;
  3. Apricot oil, jojoba wax and coffee grounds for the face are great for comedones and purulent pimples. Coffee is a natural antioxidant that effectively exfoliates dead cells and relieves inflammation. Take half a spoon of esters per spoon of grounds. The mass is mixed and then thoroughly rubbed over the face. It should be left for 15 minutes, then rinsed off. Repeat no more than twice a week.

But the most popular application is jojoba oil for facial massage. It has very low consumption and a convenient form for application. High fat content allows hands to glide easily over the massaged area. Therefore, this is practically the most famous natural remedy for anti-aging massage (including Asahi).

You can buy jojoba oil at any pharmacy (there is no difference in products for face and hair), the average price of the product is $2 for 30 ml. It is best to choose butters of Israeli origin, but, naturally, the highest quality product is obtained only in the homeland of wax - Africa.

Jojoba oil is absolutely natural, and due to its properties, it is a unique product. It is known that it has been used since ancient times as a cosmetic and medicinal product. Samples of jojoba oil have been found in the pyramids of Egypt. The beneficial substances present in the oil have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishing, softening and moisturizing it. In addition, the oil is a strong antioxidant, which determines its rejuvenating effect, as well as a means of stimulating the regeneration processes of skin cells.


Beneficial effects of jojoba oil on facial skin.
The oil itself is obtained by cold pressing from the fruits of the Simmondsie chinensis plant, which grows in countries with hot and arid climates (northern Mexico, Arizona, California and some other countries). The finished product looks yellow with a golden tint; at low temperatures it tends to harden, as a result of which it becomes like wax, and at room temperature it again takes on a liquid form. Jojoba oil is odorless, which increases its popularity and indispensability in facial care. Thanks to its protective, softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, it is the most popular component in modern cosmetology, which is added to the compositions of various cosmetic products (creams, masks, lotions, etc.).

Jojoba oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which helps maintain youth and beauty of the face. With its regular use, the process of cell regeneration accelerates, as a result of which the aging process significantly slows down, and the facial skin is saturated with essential nutrients and beneficial microelements. Jojoba oil is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and restore the skin from the inside. When used, a light protective film is formed on the skin, which, by retaining moisture, prevents it from drying out and peeling.

The properties of jojoba oil make it similar to spermaceti, which is widely used today in the production of cosmetics for facial care. In addition to vitamins, it contains amino acids and a protein with properties similar to collagen, which is known to be responsible for the firmness and elasticity of our skin.

Using jojoba oil for facial skin.
Jojoba oil is recommended for the care of any skin type, including problematic and sensitive skin, prone to the development of redness and irritation. The greatest effect from the use of this product is observed in the care of dry skin of the lips and face with signs of peeling, wilting, sagging, as well as loss of firmness and elasticity. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in the presence of cosmetic imperfections and skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, pimples, acne, etc.). The oil has a nourishing, softening and moisturizing effect; with regular use, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. It is an excellent and most effective product for caring for the delicate and delicate area around the eyes, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids, helps get rid of shallow “crow’s feet” and smooth out wrinkles under the eyes. In addition, it perfectly evens out the complexion, giving it a healthy glow.

In addition to facial care, the oil is useful for body care, especially during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as well as in the postpartum period to improve skin condition. It can also be used as a soothing remedy after sunbathing or shaving. Jojoba oil effectively softens hardened areas of the skin (elbows, knees, palms, heels). It is recommended for the care of weakened, colored and damaged hair.

It should be noted that the oil has virtually no contraindications, the only exception being increased sensitivity to the components of the oil.

Ways to use jojoba oil for the face.
Since the consistency of this oil is quite thick, it is advisable to use it in its pure form only on small areas of the skin (flaky areas, as well as areas affected by acne or pimples). In caring for the skin around the eyes, this product can be used undiluted with other oils, but it is recommended to do this not often (once a week), applying it to wrinkles with patting and driving movements. Therefore, for daily use, the oil should be applied to the area around the eyes or used as a caring cream in combination with other vegetable oil in a 1:2 ratio (apricot, peach, almond, grape, rosehip, etc.). In its pure form, the oil can be used as a mask (once a week) for the face, which should be washed off after twenty minutes.

In addition, jojoba oil can be added (no more than a teaspoon) to ready-made cosmetics (lotions, creams, masks) for any skin type. If you prefer only natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands, then jojoba oil will be an excellent fatty base for preparing homemade creams. I note that oil significantly increases the shelf life of such products.

Recipes for face masks with jojoba oil.
Masks with jojoba oil improve blood circulation, normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, have a nourishing and softening effect, and accelerate the production of collagen fibers. Let me remind you that masks should be applied to a previously cleansed face.

This mask recipe against deep wrinkles is recommended for owners of any skin type. It is necessary to combine base oil and avocado oil in equal proportions. Apply this mixture to your face and leave for twenty minutes, remove any remaining residue with a cotton swab. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to use this mask twice a week, at night. To obtain a rejuvenating effect, carry out the procedure daily.

To care for dry areas and tight skin (elbows, knees, feet), you can use jojoba oil in its pure form, or you can add essential oils: add five drops of geranium, orange and lavender oils to 50 ml of base.

To increase the firmness and elasticity of dull and sagging skin, it is recommended to make a mask: add chamomile, sandalwood and patchouli oils to two tablespoons of base.

To prevent stretch marks, you can also rub pure jojoba oil into problem areas of the skin, or enrich it with orange, lemon or tangerine essential oil.

If the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, the following mask is recommended: to two tablespoons of jojoba oil, preheated in a water bath, add two drops of rosemary oil and a drop of mint oil. Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin, except the area around the eyes. Leave the mixture on your face for twenty minutes, after which remove the residue with a cotton pad. It is recommended to do this mask three times a week.

Mix two tablespoons of jojoba oil heated in a water bath with the same amount of liquid honey, then remove the mixture from the heat and add beaten egg yolk. Apply the warm mixture evenly on the face and let it dry, then, after about five to seven minutes, apply another layer, as soon as the previous one dries a little, apply another layer. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad previously soaked in a decoction of chamomile. It is recommended to do this mask twice a week.

To reduce stretch marks and scars, it is recommended to rub pure jojoba oil into problem areas, or in combination with clove and peppermint oil, or mint and lavender oil. Take two drops of essential oils per tablespoon of base.

To relieve skin inflammation and acne, it is recommended to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of jojoba oil, three drops of tea tree oil and two drops of lavender oil to the affected areas. Repeat the procedure twice a day until the skin condition improves.

A mask made from two tablespoons of high-fat cottage cheese, the same amount of heated jojoba oil and a tablespoon of carrot juice is perfect for nourishing and moisturizing any skin. Mix everything thoroughly and apply an even layer on the face, after ten minutes rinse with warm water. This procedure must be done twice a week.

For dry skin (including hands) with flaking, inflammation and irritation, a mixture of jojoba oil (one or two tablespoons) and essential oils of sandalwood, chamomile, and orange (drop by drop) is suitable.

To instantly transform your skin, it is recommended to make the following express mask: mix two tablespoons of avocado pulp with the same amount of cucumber mass (grate a small cucumber), add a teaspoon of jojoba oil to this mass. Apply the mixture onto the face, neck and décolleté, and after twenty minutes rinse the skin with warm water. The mask perfectly cleanses, tightens pores, refreshes and tones the skin, after its use it becomes soft, tender, well moisturized.

To increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, this mask is perfect: grind a tablespoon of jojoba oil with an egg yolk, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. When stirred, you should get a creamy consistency. Apply to the skin and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with boiled water at room temperature.

To nourish problem skin, it is effective to use the following recipe: combine a tablespoon of jojoba oil with two teaspoons of black cumin oil and heat in a water bath until the jojoba is completely dissolved. Then remove the mixture from the heat and add five drops of bergamot oil, two drops each of juniper and rosemary oil and a drop of basil oil. Apply the composition to the face and leave for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, rinse the mask with warm water.

To care for the skin of your lips, you can prepare a healing balm: melt 5 g of cocoa butter in a water bath, then add 40 ml of jojoba oil, 10 ml of calendula oil, the same amount of beeswax and vanilla oil. Mix everything well, cool and store in the refrigerator. Perfectly helps restore dry, chapped and cracked lip skin. Can be used as prophylaxis.

A mixture of jojoba oil and essential oil of lemon balm, myta, limetta or rose is also suitable for daily lip skin care.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, it is effective to use the following remedy: combine two teaspoons of jojoba oil with the same amount of avocado oil. Add two drops each of mint and fennel essential oils to the mixture. This composition can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Apply to the area around the eyes with light patting movements with your fingertips twice a day, morning and evening.

For oily and problematic skin, this soothing and anti-inflammatory compress is effective: mix 50 ml of heated milk with 20 ml of jojoba oil, add two drops each of bergamot, myrtle and sandalwood oil, a drop of geranium oil and three drops of lavender oil. Prepare a piece of gauze (cut out holes for the eyes, nose and mouth), fold it in several layers, moisten it in the prepared mixture and apply it to the face. Leave the mask until it cools completely, then rinse the napkin, moisten it again in the same mixture and apply it to the face. And so on several times. At the end of the procedure, you should wash your face with warm water and then wipe your skin with an ice cube. After such a compress, it is recommended to do a massage and a nourishing mask.

For problem skin, the following applications with jojoba oil (for twenty minutes) are also useful: to a tablespoon of base, add two drops of tea tree oil and lavender, or clove and lavender.

To moisturize the skin daily and smooth out fine wrinkles, use the following mixture: mix 50 ml of base and almond oil, enrich with ten drops of geranium oil, the same amount of rose oil, two drops of sandalwood oil and five drops of lavender oil.

For the care of mature skin, the following wrinkle-smoothing mask is recommended: enrich 50 ml of base oil with geranium and lavender oil, taken two drops each, add a drop of rosewood oil and four drops of sandalwood oil. Apply the mixture to the cleansed area of ​​the face and neck.

The following mask is effective for lifting: combine a teaspoon of jojoba with a tablespoon of liquid honey, add beaten egg white, a tablespoon of yogurt and the same amount of cosmetic clay (blue or white). After mixing, you should get a creamy mass. After this, chop the pulp of one banana and add it to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the face (you can use the neck, chest, shoulders) and leave for twenty minutes. After this, remove the mask with a towel soaked in water, and then rinse with warm water.