Massage for hypertension in newborns

Today, pediatric neurologists quite often diagnose hypertonicity in children. According to statistics, most babies under the age of 3 months are characterized by this condition. Massage for hypertonicity plays one of the fundamental factors on the path to recovery. Regular massage exercises will allow you to recover without medication.

Already at the first examination, an experienced specialist will detect the presence of hypertonicity. Parents can also detect this deviation by characteristic signs. These signs include:

  1. constant restlessness of the baby;
  2. frequent crying;
  3. poor sleep;
  4. burps after feeding;
  5. holds his head well immediately after birth;
  6. When crying, he arches and throws his head back.

Massage for hypertension

Accompany the massage with gentle words

What is hypertonicity and how to diagnose it

Hypertonicity - excessive muscle tension. A newborn is born in the fetal position - the head is slightly thrown back, the legs are slightly bent, the arms are bent, the fists are clenched and located at chest level. Gradually the baby begins to move actively. Movement leads to muscle relaxation. But in some children, the muscles still remain toned. This cannot be called a disease, most likely it is a sign that not everything is in order with the child’s nervous system.

The main cause of hypertension is a regular lack of oxygen during intrauterine development.. This deviation can be caused by anemia during pregnancy, uterine tone, and excessive toxicosis. These signs are especially dangerous during the first trimester, when the entire organ system begins to form and develop. It is also worth noting that the cause of hypertension in an infant can be chronic illnesses (colds, flu, etc.).

If this deviation is detected, the doctor will describe in detail a regular plan for therapeutic treatment. The sooner this disorder is identified and treated, the less likely the child will suffer from delays in motor development. The therapeutic treatment plan will include: massage, gymnastics, swimming, relaxing baths and, of course, parental tenderness.

Not only muscle tension is a symptom of hypertonicity. Let's look at other characteristic features:

  1. when a child cries, his lips turn blue and his chin trembles;
  2. the child flinches at the slightest sound;
  3. The child has a condition where the palms are constantly clenched into fists.

Relaxing baths

Relaxing baths for hypertension

Children's massage for hypertension

Before performing a massage for newborns, be sure to read the basic conditions for the procedure:

  1. the room in which the massage session is performed must be well ventilated, without drafts;
  2. the optimal air temperature should be 20-23 degrees;
  3. the massage is carried out on a table (a changing table is the best option), covered with a blanket or thick diaper;
  4. the hands of the person being massaged should be clean, dry and warm.

First of all, you need to rely on the child’s behavior: if he is capricious or crying, the massage should be rescheduled for another time. You will not receive any benefit, but will only cause harm.

The recommended massage course is 10-15 procedures. All movements are performed very smoothly and gently.

We start by stroking the hands. We move from bottom to top, from palms to shoulders. Joints and elbow fossae must be bypassed. Gently iron each finger.

Stroking hands

Stroking hands

Let's move on to the foot massage. We perform gentle stroking, moving from the foot, then to the lower leg and thigh. We go around the area of ​​the knee joints, dimples, groin area, inner thigh.

Stroking feet

Carefully bend the leg at the knee and hip joints. We place the foot in our palm and begin to bend and unbend each leg 10 times.

Leg flexion-extension

Leg flexion-extension

Using your thumb, draw a figure eight on the baby’s foot. We begin to move from the base of the fingers, pressing lightly.

Foot massage

Foot massage

We massage each finger. The procedure should be completed by gently stroking the foot from the heel to the toes.

Rub each finger

Gymnastics for hypertension

Gymnastics is designed to stimulate motor activity, as well as reflexes.

  1. We put the child on his side. We begin to lightly stroke the back, moving from the buttocks along the spine to the neck. We avoid any pressure. During this exercise, the baby should bend slightly.
  2. We take the foot in our hands. Press on the area under the fingers and the inner surface. In response to this movement, the baby should bend his toes into his foot. The reverse movement will be the following technique - run your finger along the outer surface of the foot, the child should straighten the foot.

General relaxation exercises

The “cradle” and “rocker” are considered general strengthening exercises. About each in more detail.

Exercise "cradle"

This exercise effectively relieves muscle tension in the upper and lower body. First, relieves tension from the upper body. To do this, we place the child on the table, put our hands under the baby’s head and back. With slow movements we begin to “sway” the child left and right, then up and down.

Exercise "swing"

The exercise is performed with the same precision as the “cradle”, only the hands need to be placed under the lower part of the body.

Exercise swing

Exercise "swing"

It should be noted that massage should not be performed after feeding and sleep. For massage it is best to use baby oil.