Treatment of hot splenic tumors

Their treatment is close to the treatment of similar tumors in the liver, and there is no need to pay so much attention to binding. However, one must beware of excessive heating, lest the matter quickly thicken and harden: in this respect the spleen also has something in common with the liver, and both organs are predisposed to tumors in them passing from hot to hard. However, it is necessary to add to the medicines for the spleen substances that are somewhat abrasive and moderately hot, as well as astringent and have a cooling force, such as alum.

Know that vinegar is very often included in remedies for all diseases of the spleen, and all medicines in the treatment of these diseases should be taken with vinegar. You should start, first of all, with bloodletting from basil, then give it squeezed and fresh juices, mentioned in the paragraphs on liver diseases; Juices that are more suitable for the spleen include the juice of tamarisk leaves, the juice of Egyptian willow leaves, the juice of laurel leaves, the juice of purslane leaves, and the juice of fresh adiantum. One of the useful remedies is to drink two dirhams of purslane seeds with vinegar: purslane has a special property of dissolving tumors and hardening of the spleen. Dried large plantain should also be given daily in powder form in the amount of one milaka. The nutrition of such patients is the same as we discussed in the part about the liver. Stew with barberry has a particularly beneficial effect on diseases of the spleen, especially if you relieve the dryness of the barberry with sugar or taranjubin.