The artist is mastic

Mastic can be Rumian, it can be white, and it can also be Coptic, blackish; mastic wood combines slight wateriness and abundant earthiness. Mastic is more rarefied and useful, like cham incense.

The best mastic is white, solvent and clean.

Hot, dry in the second degree. Mastic warms and dries less than incense. Mastic wood does not cool or warm much; The mastic itself warms more than wood.

Actions and properties.
The mastic binds and dissolves; All parts of the mastic tree are knitted. Mastic consists of a watery, lukewarm substance and an earthy substance. The bark and bark of the roots of its tree replaces the acacia and salsify and their substitutes; The squeezed juice of the leaves of the mastic tree also works. A highly astringent oil is prepared from its fruits.

As for Galen, he seems to believe that all parts of the mastic tree combine a softening property with an astringent property. The same applies to mastic oils.

Coptic mastic, which has a blackish color, knits less, but dries more, and it is more suitable in cases where strong dissolution is needed. All its properties: astringent, emollient and drying appear without harm. The mastic is very thin and, due to its thinness, emollient properties and gentle warmth, dissolves mucus. At the same time, it is less pungent and less dense than other gums.

Mastic is included in teeth cleaning products and blush and adds beauty.

Tumors and acne.
Due to its astringent and emollient properties, mastic helps against tumors in the viscera. Black Coptic mastic is more suitable for internal hardening; black mastic is useful against “ant” tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
The squeezed juice and decoction of the leaves of the mastic tree are useful against creeping ulcers, and the oil from its wood helps against jarab and even jarab in cattle and dogs. A decoction of its leaves and squeezed juice are poured over ulcers, and this helps to build up meat, and they also pour over broken bones, which heal as a result.

Organs of the head.
Chewing the mastic removes mucus from the head and cleanses the head. Gargling with it strengthens the gums.

Organs of the eye.
The mastic is applied to curling eyelashes.

Respiratory system.
Mastic helps against cough and hemoptysis; a decoction of the root and bark of the mastic tree is especially powerful.

Nutritional organs.
Mastic strengthens the stomach and liver, stimulates the appetite, has a good effect on the stomach, but causes belching. It dissolves mucus in the stomach and immediately helps against tumors in the stomach and liver. Eruption organs.

Mastic strengthens the kidneys and intestines and is useful against tumors in these organs.

A decoction of the root and bark of the mastic tree is useful for diarrhea, dysentery and abrasions in the intestines. Its leaves also help against bleeding from the uterus and pain in the uterus, as well as against the leakage of harmful fluids from it, and from prolapse of the uterus and rectum. Oil from mastic tree wood and its seeds also works.