Mastic Reaction

A mastic reaction is a chemical reaction that occurs between mastic and metal. It is also known as the Jacobsthal-Emanuel reaction, and is one of the ways to join metal surfaces using mastics.

This reaction is based on the properties of mastic materials, which can undergo polymerization in the presence of metal surfaces. During the polymerization process, the mastic becomes hard

The mastic reaction is one of the most interesting and complex processes in chemistry, which is associated with the creation of new substances. This process involves the addition of simple substances to complex substances to form new compounds. One of the most striking examples of a mastic reaction is the Jacobsthal-Emanuel reaction.

This reaction occurs between simple substances and complex substances, producing two new products. One of the products is new simple, and the other is complex. The process occurs under the influence of an electric field or ultraviolet radiation. As a result of the reaction, two complex substances are formed. One of them is an electric dipole and can react with other electric fields. During the reaction, the energy state of chemical bonds changes. New bonds are formed, which may have lower energy than the original ones. Thus, the mastic reaction is a process that can occur in various objects. It can be used to create new materials and devices.