Mastitis Intracanalicular

Intracanalicular mastitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intracanalicular mastitis is a disease of the mammary gland that is characterized by inflammation of the milk ducts inside the gland itself. This is a fairly common disease among women, especially those who are breastfeeding. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for intracanalicular mastitis.

Causes of intracanalicular mastitis

The main causes of intracanalicular mastitis are:

  1. Insufficient or irregular removal of milk from the milk ducts.

  2. Poor breast hygiene, which can lead to infection.

  3. Breast injury.

  4. Various diseases, such as mastopathy or breast cancer.

Symptoms of intracanalicular mastitis

The main symptoms of intracanalicular mastitis include:

  1. Breast pain and swelling.

  2. Increased body temperature and fever.

  3. Feeling tired and weak.

  4. The appearance of red spots on the chest and surface of the skin.

  5. Discharge of purulent fluid from the nipple.

Treatment of intracanalicular mastitis

Treatment of intracanalicular mastitis may include both medical and surgical therapy, depending on the severity of the disease. The main methods of treating intracanalicular mastitis are listed below:

  1. Antibiotic therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the infection.

  2. Using pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

  3. Manual removal of milk from the milk ducts.

  4. Using hot compresses on the chest to relieve pain and swelling.

  5. Surgical intervention that may be required in severe cases of intracanalicular mastitis.

In conclusion, intracanalicular mastitis is a serious breast disease that requires timely treatment. If you notice any symptoms of mastitis, contact your doctor for expert care and treatment.

Intracanacular mastitis is an inflammation of the tissues in the paranasal sinus. The infection can spread to the middle ear, tonsils, gums, neck and other tissues. Infections in the nasal grooves can lead to breathing problems, loss of smell, hypoxia and discomfort when swallowing.

Symptoms of intracanal mastitis may include redness and swelling around the nose, pain in the nose, face and throat, itching and runny nose. If mastitis is left untreated, it can progress to acute inflammation with high fever, severe headache, and nasal discharge. In some cases, complications of mastitis can even damage brain structures.

Causes of mastitis can vary, including allergic reactions, upper respiratory tract infections, trauma to the nose, and the use of airline plugs or nasal drops without consulting a doctor. Mastitis is caused by a bacterial or viral infection that spreads through the nose into the sinuses.

Treatment for mastitis usually consists of antibiotics