Medical Property Inventory

Medical property is equipment that gradually wears out during use, has a set period of operation, repair, and is subject to accounting by category. Such property includes medical devices, apparatus, instruments, as well as other items necessary for medical procedures or research.

Medical equipment is an important element of any healthcare organization as it ensures the quality and safety of patient care. However, like any other property, medical equipment can wear out through use and require repair or replacement. Therefore, it is important to properly account for and control medical assets.

Accounting for medical property is carried out by categories, such as devices, devices and tools. Each category has its own service life and repair frequency. For example, medical devices may have a service life of several months to several years, while instruments such as scalpels may be used for a longer period of time.

To record medical property, special documents are used, such as inventory lists and registration cards. These documents indicate the name, quantity, category, service life and other characteristics of each object. This allows you to monitor the availability and condition of medical equipment, as well as plan its repair or replacement.

In addition, proper medical property management also includes monitoring its use. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that medical equipment is used only for its intended purpose and is not damaged or lost. It is also necessary to conduct regular checks of the condition of medical equipment and its compliance with established requirements.

Overall, medical assets play an important role in ensuring the quality and safety of health care services. Proper management and accounting of this property allows you to monitor its condition and take timely measures to repair or replace it.

Medical inventory property is a category of property that wears out during use and has established intervals for maintenance and repair. This property must be accounted for in certain categories, such as devices, diagnostic and treatment tools, tools and other devices. In the article we will consider medical inventory (M.I.), its main characteristics and use in medicine.

Purpose of medical equipment inventory M.i. is intended to meet the needs of medical institutions for working tools that can be used to ensure the correct and effective implementation of medical activities. It must be reliable and efficient to use and easy to maintain and repair.

Types of Medical Property Inventory: There are several categories of medical property inventory. These include the following: instruments and tools, first aid kits and rescue kits, electronic systems for examining the health of patients, etc. The main principle is to use the most reliable and effective equipment for medical purposes.

Compliance of medical property with inventory: M. inv. must comply with established health standards and regulations. All medical devices that come into use must ensure the safety of doctors and nursing staff, and must also meet requirements in terms of hygiene and product safety. Terms and requirements for use, maintenance and repair: It is necessary to ensure that the medical equipment inspected is in proper condition and used in accordance with the instructions for use. Proper replacement procedures and timely