Medullary Plate

Medullary plates or lamina are structures that are found in the cerebral cortex and form a layer that surrounds neurons and capillaries. They play an important role in organizing brain functions such as memory, thinking and perception.

The medullary plates are composed of several cell types, including glial cells, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. They form a complex mechanism that regulates the metabolism between nervous tissue and the circulatory system. When glial cells and other cells at their ends move together, they improve capillary function. This may help promote more efficient circulation of blood through the walls of nerve tissue vessels.

The medullary plates also play an important role in the interaction between different parts of the brain. For example, the plates can separate connections between neurons involved in different areas of the brain. This allows the brain to better coordinate the system. In addition, the plates are able to transfer information to each other to improve information processing.