
**Megadolichos igma** - this term combines a group of syndromes that are characterized by a special form of abnormal intestine, longer than normal in length. The essence of the problem is duodenocolopectoral volvulus and long-term disruption of the movement of food in the intestinal tract. With megadolicha sigma, the intestines lose mobility, become swollen, and the act of digestion becomes difficult. The organ cannot normally participate in movement. This anomaly negatively affects the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Megadolechoxigma - dilatation of part of the colon - a dangerous condition. The unusual structure of the intestine is due to the connection of the loop into the right-sided opening - into the diverticular sac in the megaduodenum loops. This interferes with the process of eating and the flow of gastric juice to the level of the duodenum. To facilitate the passage of food, the esophageal valves close and the walls stretch to do this. This deformation causes chronic constipation. It is primarily older children who suffer from megadaolichosigma. Boys are 2-3 times more likely to encounter this problem. Doctors cannot yet name the exact reasons for the lengthening of the sigmoid colon. Understanding what leads to this condition will make it possible to prevent megadolichi in children or carry out timely correction. Timely help will help get rid of regular constipation and reduce the risk of other, more severe complications.