
**Megalokephaly** is a rare genetic disorder that is characterized by giant head and skull sizes in children and adolescents, sometimes with abnormally enlarged muscles and bones. This condition is not an immediate threat to the patient's life and health, but can cause serious psychological problems and difficulties in daily life.

Megalocephalization is a term meaning strong development of the head.

Megalocephalic is a physical condition that is characterized by a noticeable increase in the size of the head in comparison to other parts of the body. This disorder is often called excitrism, but the true term megalocephalactromeglia is an exaggeration of the size of the upper body over the lower limbs and pelvis. This is called upper excitrism and is characteristic of people with a predominant formation of muscles and bones of the upper body. In this case, physical proportions may be disrupted due to lifestyle changes such as constant sitting, which makes the head and neck appear more prominent. Treating this condition, such as through exercise, can help stabilize body proportions.

Megalocephaly is a rare human disease characterized by an irreversible increase in size of the skull with a simultaneous decrease in the size of the brain. Now it is found in medical sources only as an incidental finding. In the 40s, four men had this pathology; in the 50s, there were reports of several more