Megestrol (Megestrol)

Megestrol is a synthetic female sex hormone (progestogen). It is used to treat metastatic breast cancer or uterine cancer in women.

Megestrol is a derivative of progesterone and has a similar effect to it. It binds to progesterone receptors in the body and produces effects similar to those of natural progesterone.

The main use of megestrol is the treatment of breast cancer and uterine cancer. It is used to treat metastases of these cancers by inhibiting the growth of tumor cells. Megestrol also stimulates appetite and increases body weight in patients with cachexia caused by cancer.

Megestrol is available in tablets under the trade name Megace. The usual dose is 40-320 mg per day for several months or years. Adverse effects include weight gain, thrombosis, diabetes and depression.

Megestrol: description, application and trade name

Megestrol is a synthetic female sex hormone from the group of progestogens. It is used medicinally to treat metastases of breast cancer or uterine cancer in women.

Megestrol acts on progesterone receptors in tissues, which can slow the growth of cancer cells. Additionally, it may increase appetite and help restore weight in cancer patients.

Megestrol is available in the form of tablets, capsules and oral suspensions. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on what type of cancer the patient has and how advanced it is.

The trade name of megestrol is Megace. It is available with a prescription only from a doctor and should only be used under his supervision.

Although megestrol may be useful in treating cancer, patients may experience unwanted effects such as high blood pressure, swelling, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, menstrual irregularities, and others. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient’s condition and regularly conduct medical monitoring.

In conclusion, megestrol (Megas) is a synthetic female sex hormone that is used to treat metastatic breast cancer or uterine cancer in women. It may slow the growth of cancer cells and help restore weight in cancer patients. However, like any medication, megestrol has its side effects and should only be used under medical supervision.


*Please note: This article is written based on personal knowledge and observations based on physician experience and relevant information. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about using Megestrol.*

Megestrol Megestral is a synthetic hormone that was developed for the treatment of women with lung cancer and uterine breast cancer. It has several potential benefits, including improving quality of life and increasing survival rates for patients with these cancers. One of the ways it can be used is to prevent metastasis and improve the condition of patients.

General side effects: - the use of Megestral can cause