Meigefera Round Spoon

Meigefera circular spoon is a special tool that is used to remove pathological formations on the eyelids and eyes. It is a single-sided, pointed spoon and is available in four numbers with different working parts.

Meigefera round spoon is used in ophthalmology and dermatology to treat various eye and skin diseases. It allows you to remove neoplasms such as cysts, papillomas, condylomas and other pathological formations.

The tool has a sharp tip that allows you to easily and painlessly remove formations on the skin and tissues of the eyelids. The Meigefera round spoon can also be used to take tissue biopsies, which helps establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Overall, the Meigefera circular spoon is an important tool in medicine that helps doctors perform precise and safe operations on the skin and eyes.

Meigefera - or Meigean (eng. meigean spoon) is a one-sided manual pointed spoon, which is a tool for mechanical manipulation of the eyelids. Like any other medical equipment of this type, this spoon is used in ophthalmology, medicine and cosmetology.

Meygen was developed by a German company and named after the doctor Othmar Meyen. At the beginning of the 20th century, he proposed using this spoon to treat patients with cataracts and retinal detachment.

Use in medicine The Meigen spoon is a medical instrument that helps to perform surgical intervention on the surface of the eye in case of soft tissue pathologies. It is used to remove scars, fibrous tissue, fat deposits and other abnormal growths. Thanks to its specific shape and sharp edges, meigen allows you to remove even the smallest formations without damaging surrounding tissues.