
MelitUria is a term meaning the passage of blood-streaked urine. This phenomenon is quite rare, and the diagnosis of melitUria is made by a doctor only when he sees the so-called reddish or reddish-brown sediment in the urine. Determination of melitura in the first portion of urine is also carried out in the case of persistent hematuria, which is characterized by the appearance of brownish discharge after physical activity, defecation, prolonged sitting, or muscle tension.

Diagnosis of melituric syndrome:

1. Analysis of complaints; 2. Taking an anamnesis (including family history); 3. Examination of the urinary system; 4. Ultrasound examination; 5. Urinalysis - conducting general and biochemical urine analysis; 6. Cystoscopy (examination of the bladder using an endoscope).

Causes of melituric syndrome:

- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.); - Urolithiasis disease; - Prostate adenoma and prostate cancer;

Medicines: *antibiotics* drugs to reduce hypertension in the nephrons; *B vitamins*;

Intense physical activity;