Melnikova-Razvedenkova Liquid

Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid: history and application

Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid is a solution that is used for tissue fixation in medicine and biology. Named after Nikolai Fedorovich Melnikov-Razvedenkov, a Soviet pathologist who developed this fixation method in the early 20th century.

Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid consists of formalin, glycerin, ethyl alcohol and water. This solution has several advantages over other fixation methods such as formaldehyde and buffer solutions.

One of the main advantages of Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid is that it allows you to preserve the morphological structure of tissues during fixation. In addition, this fixation method allows the tissue color to be preserved, which is especially important for histological studies.

Another advantage of the Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid is that it allows multiple transitions between different solutions for subsequent tissue processing. This may be particularly useful for studies requiring the use of different staining methods.

The Melnikov-Razvedenkov fixation method is also widely used in medicine for diagnosing diseases. For example, it can be used to fix biopsy samples in cancer research. In addition, this fixation method can be used to study various pathological conditions such as diseases of the heart, liver and other organs.

Despite the fact that Melnikov-Razvedenkov liquid was developed more than a hundred years ago, it is still widely used in medicine and biology. This indicates its effectiveness and significance for scientific research and diagnosis of diseases.

Melnikov-Razvedyonkov liquid is an alcohol solution of a dye used for staining preparations on glass slides and preparing chromogenic reactions. The composition of the dye included basic dyes (fuchsin, iodine) and albumin. Staining was carried out using the Melnikova-Razvedenkova or Gimmelfarb-Gins method.