Membrane Theory of Excitation Conduction

Yes, it is carried out through special ion channels in the membrane of the nerve fiber.

When excitation reaches the nerve membrane, specific channels for sodium ions open, and they begin to quickly penetrate into the cell, changing the membrane potential. This change in potential, in turn, causes the opening of channels for potassium ions, which begin to flow out of the cell, returning it to its original resting potential. This process is called repolarization.

It is interesting that the membrane potential can be changed not only during the passage of a nerve impulse, but also when the nerve membrane is exposed to various substances, such as anesthetics, drugs and other chemical compounds. For example, the anesthetic knockaine blocks channels for sodium ions, preventing them from entering the cell and causing loss of excitability of the nerve membrane.

The membrane theory of excitation conduction is fundamental to understanding the functioning of the nervous system and was developed as a result of many years of research and experimentation. Today we know that nerve impulses are transmitted not only along the axons of large neurons, but also through smaller fibers, and that not only sodium and potassium ions, but also many other molecules and signaling pathways are involved in the process of transmitting excitation.

The membrane theory of excitation conduction continues to develop and improve, and new research is helping to reveal more and more secrets about the functioning of the nervous system. Understanding it allows us to better understand the mechanisms of diseases of the nervous system, such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and others, and to develop new methods for treating these diseases.