Purulent meningitis or meningococcal purulent meningitis (MPM) is an infectious inflammation of the membranes of the brain and brain spaces.
The main reason is damage to the body by the causative agent of meningitis, Neisseria meningitidis. ICHM is considered the most severe of all forms of meningitis - approximately
Gummous meningitis is an inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal cord with the formation of tumors in it that in appearance resemble gummas (tuberculous granulomas that look like severed heads of cauliflower or a head of cauliflower), hence the main name - meningogumma. Since the disease usually occurs in weakened individuals after intercurrent infections (scarlet fever, measles, typhus, etc.), the disease is also called “snow blindness.” The disease is considered a childhood disease, but in practice it occurs equally rarely in both children and adults.