
Meningoenephalocelia is an extremely rare pathology in children. It is associated with a violation of the migration of neuroembryonic material, which serves as the basis for the formation of the child’s brain. It is characterized by persistent headaches, increased intracranial pressure and other serious problems of the central nervous system. Is not separate


Meningiocaele or meningeocele is a cystic (creeping) expansion of the subdural sac, which contains the meningeal substance of the brain. It is separated by the subcutaneous-epidermal junction. Most often develops on the left. The cyst is filled with serous fluid. **Causes of development.** The causes of meningiosis are often associated with spinal trauma. Often their appearance during childbirth is associated with rupture of the subdural cavities or dura mater. Also, unfavorable production conditions for workers who work with dyes and chemicals can be provoking factors. Sometimes the reason for the development lies in taking anticoagulants during pregnancy. *Subdural cyst with ruptured membranes on EEG.* Meninginism lumen on MRI. **Diagnosis** of the disease is based on an examination by a neurologist, as well as on the results of electroencephalography. *During the examination, all changes associated with the pathological structure of the brain

Meningome - translated from Greek - "brain membrane". S e - encephalon; t e o - from Latin - “convexity”, or “smoothed protrusion” Meningoe and enceph -. Encephalo - from “eucale -” - bulge, protrusion

So, **meningoencephalim** is a protrusion of the meninges on the surface of the brain: soft and hard. Sometimes you can see the convolutions of the brain outside the bones of the skull. With meningoendothelium, clear fluid always appears. Usually the fluid resolves and the inflammation goes away without a trace. If this does not happen, consequences in the form of neurological deficits may remain. In all cases, meningeoincubation is always subject to surgical intervention.